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Namecarl grant
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust a tourist for now. Great site.

NamePhil Gioldasis
MessageThe lord says there are no other God but me.They called him zouzouvili the demon because you could not stop speaking.Leave my People alone.Tsunami? smilie

MessageThis is stupid

NameGlenn B. Wing
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Messagesmilie 10034Well done! Like the website. Christian Fundamentalism - the extremists suffer from narcissistic personality disorder. Here are some of the abnormalities extremist CF's suffer with:
1 Grandiose sense of self-importance
2 Preocupation with fantasies of unlimited
success, power, and ideal love
3 Belief in being special over others
4 Requires excessive admiration
5 Has a sense of entitlement
6 Is interpersonally exploitative
7 Lacks empathy for anyone not like them
8 Displays arrogance, haughty behaviors or
I know some wonderful Christians and would stand up for them anyday, anywhere. Acceptance of the Bible as infallible seems to be where they go off the deep end. CF is a religion based on fear - and heaven or hell are your alternatives. An interesting study on susceptibility to con artists/scams found CF's to be amongest the most frequently targeted population because of their lack of critical thinking skills. A simple example here will provide sufficient proof of their inability to assess truth from fantasy. In Genesis 1:16, the Bible states: "God made two great lights - the greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night." CF believe the moon produces its own light. Any well-educated fourth grader can point out the moon reflects the light of the sun; and yet all Bible-thumpers will adhere to the biblical understanding. CF has backed itself into a corner and there is no way out, its rejecti.......

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MessageProve that the devil does not exist, and I'll question my belief in God...

Private Message added 2012-08-05

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MessageHi. You have interesting ideas and seem to be a very deep and introspective person. It's funny, how similar we are. It's hard not to notice "groups" of people's thinking and behavior, even worse when you're the one being analyzed. I also have schizo something or other, schizoaffective. I noticed that after I developed my intuition and practiced visualization every day for a few minutes to half hour, I began having an increase in cognition but also in pos/itive symptoms, which points to a deficit or learned pattern of behavior possibly?

Anyways, I had a vision of an african man who cleared my subconscious of this "darkness" which was giving me nightmares and paralysis. Once it was gone, I realized that this attachment had been kind of like a pool of obsessive thoughts or behaviors.

I think a lot of us can be cured through pattern reintigration and psychology, not just meds. Meds should be the start, then weaned off, then rehabilitated through therapy...but this chronic illness model is exasperating. I never know if I'll recover fully and I'm told I wont even though I'm in the high functioning spectrum...if there is a spectrum for schizophrenia I would be in the high functioning...

Autism, OCD, and Schizophrenia share similarities of pattern deficits and repetition. My symptoms started like that...walking in circles, moving my hands, pacing, etc. I think it may be possible that it IS a combination of different unknown cognitive habits or deficits.

NameR. DiFalco
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MessageWow, you are extremely ignorant of anything having to do with Christianity. It is pretty obvious that you have never even read the Bible. You claim to be coming from an "unbiased" point of view on these issues, but that is clearly not the case. Don't you realize that the Bible has been around for thousands of years, and still endures? And what makes your regurgitated "evidence" soo special compared to the tens-of-thousands of other people who have scrutinized the Bible down to every syllable, but have never been able to prove that it is wrong.

I have pity for people like you, because I also had my head up my ass for many years before I realized how much Jesus loves us, and that faith in Jesus is the only way to everlasting life. I want to be able to help people like you that are soo lost...so if you are ready to stop being an ignoramus, and would actually like to know some answers to your prophecy questions, or any other questions you have about Christianity, you can email me and we can talk about it. And no, I'm not just some "dumb" Christian who "believes anything their told about Jesus and the Bible", I am a student at Purdue University in the nationally recognized 7th best College of Pharmacy in the nation.

Oh, and if you want to at least appear like you are taking on these issues from an unbiased perspective, then you should include some of the many prophecies in the Bible that have been fulfilled..the Book of Daniel would be a good place to start

Namelacrecia yelloweyes
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehave been interested in the debates of religion for a long time.so many things said about christianty rings so true. i always thought they were the true evil

NameVincent Zimmerman
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MessageYour site is fantastic!!! I was once a devout fundamentalist myself,but like you, began thinking about all the blatantly ridiculous discrepancies and errors contained in the bible. If god were real, he would be infinitely more monstrous than Adolf Hitler, given all the atrocities he commits, to say nothing of those atrocities he orders others to commit, some of which violate his own ten commandments!!! Oh, and I purposely didn't capitalize the first letters of some words, as popular convention tells us we should, out of solemn respect for other's religious beliefs. Why should I respect their beliefs when they don't respect mine?

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