Message | I would just like to say thank you for putting this information online, it has helped me understand my own thoughts about the connection between religions. I recently have been desperately trying to find a away to in simple terms, join all religious thought in such a way were everyone can have there own perception of god but also can see eye to eye, kind of like how Hinduism has multiple deities and spiritual practices but yet the Hindu people get along. I believe it is an almost impossible task but i know in my heart there has to be a way. I was raised without religion being pushed on me by anyone, but with saying that i would like to add that i am of Jewish descent but all my family besides me are atheist or christian. I define myself as a Jew, but I don't follow the ten commandments or dietary laws, I just live (or try to live) an honest life piecing together what/who God is. Just like you I believe God is the "bigger picture", being we are a planet inside a galaxy, inside a universe, etc, but I really want to know how i can incorporate that into a somewhat "unified" interpretation that everyone can find acceptable. I guess the main goal I have is to stop all this hatred from excommunication and spiritual difference that I see daily, it just saddens me how a species can cause such harm to each other. why not instead of being white, black, Asian,Indian, etc. why cant we be "human"?
-Keighnyn Larose Age 18 |