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NameRon Chism
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MessageTHANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for your article debunking LOA!!! I have told people COUNTLESS times that if such a law is true, it HAS to have LIMITATIONS.

I have created my own reality, AT TIMES. And OTHER times, reality has been created FOR ME. And sometimes reality has been created ON me!!

And what about the issue of FREE WILL!? I mean, we can go on and on and on. Anyway, THANKS AGAIN!

NameDanny Reyes
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MessageThanks for expanding my arsenal! smilie

NameJohn Ferguson
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MessageThanks for what you wrote on Christian Fundamentalism.
I was there once right in the middle of it and I found that it just didn't work for me. It took a few years to work through getting it out of my mind and some of that was fairly scary stuff but it HAD to be done. When I realised that I had made myself a prisoner of my own mind, it was like getting out of jail. For some years now I have been meeting with a group of people who think along more practical lines and I am accepted warmly amongst them. I cannot subscribe as I once did that someone can die for me and take my sins away, that's utter nonsense. I have to be responsible for myself and what are 'sins' anyway? We make mistakes along the way but that's how we learn and we try not to make those mistakes again. I also realised that I had a lot of 'guilt' which was quite useless and it fed into my feelings of inferiority. I had to take responsibility for that and as I put it there, I could also remove it. Fundamentalism is very good at putting the fear of Hell into peoples minds and it did that to me for a while almost causing me to take my own life. I would get very depressed as I saw no way that I could do any better. For me, finding my "Truth" actually set me free and hopefully I can help others do the same. There's no depression anymore, that is replaced by understanding and knowledge. Thanks once again for your site, it confirms what I have found by experience.

NameMichael Spears
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MessageI read for a while, but I did not find the point where you explain how you have become rich and have paid off all of your debts etc...

As for as I can see, you have no solutions, just complaints.

MessageThank You

Namedon't care
Messagestopped reading after i got to the point where caps and explanation points were used. nice ego.

NameEdwinn Matonis
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MessageI loved your article, "Buddhism: Overgeneralizations and Shortcomings of the Most Respected Religion". Thank you, Winston!

MessageWill I need my tinfoil cap in the afterlife?

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MessageThank you for the information, it has confirmed what I already knew deep down in my heart. I was born into a catholic home in Germany and my parents were by no means devout. I grew up in a small town in western Germany that was 100% Catholic, so I didn't know about Protestantism until I came here.I never quite got it, you know, my bible thumping ex mother in law even bought me a NKJ version of the bible because she thought I was just too stupid to get the KJ. But I was actually too smart to buy all the bullshit they tried to sell.For years I struggled with my doubts and my fears until finally I was able to just let it all go and though I am not an Atheist I am very much Metaphysical,( which I was all along) but because the told me it was evil I threw out the baby with the bathwater so to speak until many years later,when I finally realized how wrong this whole Christian fanatical belief system really is. You just confirmed all of this, so thank you and I hope that many more confused Christians become Ex Christian fundamentalists.

NameK N Larose
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MessageI would just like to say thank you for putting this information online, it has helped me understand my own thoughts about the connection between religions. I recently have been desperately trying to find a away to in simple terms, join all religious thought in such a way were everyone can have there own perception of god but also can see eye to eye, kind of like how Hinduism has multiple deities and spiritual practices but yet the Hindu people get along. I believe it is an almost impossible task but i know in my heart there has to be a way. I was raised without religion being pushed on me by anyone, but with saying that i would like to add that i am of Jewish descent but all my family besides me are atheist or christian. I define myself as a Jew, but I don't follow the ten commandments or dietary laws, I just live (or try to live) an honest life piecing together what/who God is. Just like you I believe God is the "bigger picture", being we are a planet inside a galaxy, inside a universe, etc, but I really want to know how i can incorporate that into a somewhat "unified" interpretation that everyone can find acceptable. I guess the main goal I have is to stop all this hatred from excommunication and spiritual difference that I see daily, it just saddens me how a species can cause such harm to each other. why not instead of being white, black, Asian,Indian, etc. why cant we be "human"?

-Keighnyn Larose
Age 18

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