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Private Message added 2014-03-31

NameRichard Migneault
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MessageExcellent site! Really enjoyed it and hope you get more readers, I will be referencing this site and talking it up whenever I can.

NameFierce Love
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MessageI absolutely LOVE your site!

I am currently deconverting now - I work at a Christian institution and it's SO hard to continue.... I do believe, like you suggest, that there is something spiritual going on with Christianity, but I honestly don't want anything to do with it anymore as an organized religion.

One critique - A couple of your pages mention Zeitgeist as a source. I have watched the videos (the 2nd and 3rd are excellent btw) and the first video is quite.... well, made up. The jumble of facts about pagan gods like the 25th of December being a common birthday, virgin births, rising gods, etc., is honestly a bunch of hooey. That would be the one weak point I spotted in all of your debunking.

That being said - I agree that a lot of the Christian religion mirrors other religions and that Christianity has made Jesus into something he wasn't.

Needless to say, my conservative Christian mother is completely freaking out.

I am moving into some Eastern/New Age thought and can't wait to find a place to meditate that is actually connected to nature somehow - I am currently surrounded by concrete and factories.

Thanks so much for putting in all the effort to expose some of the absurdities that I've been struggling with!

May your journey be full of Light, Love, and Peace

Private Message added 2014-01-14

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Your statement: "If you are a true loyal Christian, according to the Bible, then you are 100 percent pro-tyranny and anti-freedom."

Apparently you have never studied the Holy Bible. The teachings have chillingly described the never changing behaviors of humans in the world. And it has liberated (lifted) people out of society and into a more spiritually content existence. Far from being tyrannical or anti-freedom. There is a better kind of "freedom" than one of unmitigated lust and selfish indulgence.

Reading the Bible like a child isn't going to make much sense. Because the meanings behind the literature go beyond the face value. From my interpretation, GOD is not evil. The funny thing about that statement is that evil only exists if GOD created it. smilie

People often use the Catholic Church and other false institutions to measure Christianity. The Book alone needs no denomination to size it up. It does its own job at opening our eyes to TRUTH in the world. And one can easily test and observe the hypocrisies and people's love of lies over Truth. I mean, society is founded on lies. People would rather hold a pretty lie over and ugly Truth. They celebrate lies through all forms of media. Actors, singers, writers, journalists. Deception is everywhere. One would have to turn to GOD to get any shred of TRUTH. This world is un-salvageable just like Jesus told us.

The artifacts support the Bible too.

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MessageHi Winston Wu,

I have thoroughly enjoyed your essay. My grandmother was a holocaust survivor and when I used to hear her stories and the pain inflicted on her I wondered, if Jesus was so Godly why did he not condemn all the punishment, suffering and injustices that would occur in the future over his name? He could not predict the future, that's why. He was not God only a man. A master brainwasher.

Christianity is all based on mind control and brainwashing that is preached in our schools. Only science can tell us the meaning of life, and we are slowly moving in that direction.

Follow logic at all times, and be self-confident. You think you're queer, then be queer. You f#$% little girls? Live with it. I don't believe in hell after life but I believe in hell on earth. I won't live in it. MRI scans have shown when a Christian prays to God certain parts of the brain are enlightened, meaning their faith is in vain.

I do not hate Christians but I believe in things that are tangible, such as love between man and a woman, the environment. The concept of hell is a brainwashing mechanism and the heart does not operate through fear of punishment. Celebrate life. Get a job even.

NameD. A.
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MessageRecommend the study of Reincarnation and past life memories as a tool for study of history and human origins. Much can be learned via past life study, filling in areas of presently unknown time periods. Useful too for the search of SETI in the universe; locating of extra-solar inhabited planets etc. Much of our known history probably contains serious errors, and would be found in need reappraisal.

MessageGreat site you have here. The so called "skeptics" do not have any skepticism at all but they all just seem hellbent on dismissing things rather than questioning.

Will all the wikisynergy links be removed or updated as the site no longer exists?

Private Message added 2013-10-23

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