
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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MessageOh my god, I cant believe what these monsters did to a defenceless animal. My thoughts go out to Peanuts family. x

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MessageHi !
I'm French and I'm 12, so I can't speak very well in English.

I'm very angry of see this. People are very stupid !!!

So, good bye, and I'm sorry for Peanut...

NameSamantha Summerton
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MessageI am sitting here shaking after reading what happened to your baby. I am so, so sorry for your pain and 100% support harsher penalties for people who harm animals. Thank you for being so brave and letting the rest of us know what happened and how we can help.
My thoughts are with you and beautiful little Peanut.

NameSamantha Summerton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am sitting here shaking after reading what happened to your baby. I am so, so sorry for your pain and 100% support harsher penalties for people who harm animals. Thank you for being so brave and letting the rest of us know what happened and how we can help.
My thoughts are with you and beautiful little Peanut.

NameCaroline Shanks
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MessageI couldn't stomach reading the details but got the general gist I am sickened that these 2 men are getting off so lightly. It's hard enough losing a pet due to illness or old age but to lose your baby in this manner is enough to tear your soul in two. All my love and thoughts to the family.

Messageyou did nothing wrong to deserve that. you were loved by many and you can never be replaced

NameKathryn Graveson
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MessageI cant believe how horrible this is. I have a puppy of my own and I would love to hurt those horrible people who did this. If they dont get their justice in this life, God will send them to Hell in the next life, I will put my life on it.

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MessageOh God, whoever you are, why do you allow things like this to happen?
Reading about Peanut has made all my troubles fade into oblivion. I hope so so much that the scumbags who hurt him suffer one day. I'm finding it hard to put together words right now, as I feel overwhelmed by the cruelty there is in this world against animals and children.
God, where are you?

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MessageOh God, whoever you are, why do you allow things like this to happen?
Reading about Peanut has made all my troubles fade into oblivion. I hope so so much that the scumbags who hurt him suffer one day. I'm finding it hard to put together words right now, as I feel overwhelmed by the cruelty there is in this world against animals and children.
God, where are you?

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MessageI keep coming back to this site, I can't forget little Peanut, and each time I see his picture, I cry.
I hope his killers will get a harsh punishment. Animal cruelty can never be tolerated.

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