
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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MessageThis Kind Of Things Make Me Sick,
All My Thoughts Are With Him
Just Seeing His Cute Pics Make Me Wana Cry.


NameAnthony McCann
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MessageMy thoughts are with him.

NameLisa Morse
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MessageI am saddened to hear about Peanut. I hope he rests in peace. The poor little thing. I am an animal lover. I feel sympathy for his family. My thoughts are with you. May justice be served for Peanut.

Lisa Morse

NameDonna Burton
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MessageMy heart hurts so deeply for this tiny little dog. He is in Heaven now where there are no abusers. My heart goes out to the Neilsen Family. May God protect and keep all the helpless safe.

Nameemily jaade
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Messagei have a gorgeous little kitten named peanut if ANYTHING happend to him i would be sooo devo!

that puppy is so cute and animal cruelty is sooo wrong how any one can enjoy doing that must be so incredibly disturbed they diserve to be shot!

my friend hannah and i send our love. smilie

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MessageI came across a group dedicated to Peanut on facebook and I was shocked with what I'd read. I think more media coverage should deal with this case and I will urge my family and friends to keep up with this horrific story. This is a real tragedy, an absolute abhorrence on our society and to think that this is any less than sociopathic murder is ridiculous. These two criminals should be locked away for a long long time. I am truly sorry for your loss and cant imagine the emotions surrounding such disturbing circumstances. My thoughts and prayers go out to you all.


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Messagetears......poor baby...they disurve the same!!!!!!..

NameJason and Shay
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MessageIts a very sad story and the law should reflect the terrible hurt that has been done.

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MessageOOOOOO i hope they pay..Get the guy in the nuthouse out! He needs to be in jail!!

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MessageWhat happened to Peanut makes me absolutely sick to my stomach. All we can hope for now is that the two evil people that did this are locked up, fined, and shunned by the rest of us. We have to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.

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