
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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MessageTo the Family of Peanut

Farewell, My Love

A good dog never dies,he allways stays,
he walks beside you on crisp autum days
when frost is on the fields and winter's
drawing near,his head is within our hand
in his old way.
Mary Carolyn Davies

Dearest little Peanut,your Angel Wings await you.

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MessageI hope the culprits get a punishment worthy of this heinous crime. Be brave Karen and I hope the justice system doesn't let you down. A million hearts are with you.

NameMaria Ferritto
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MessageI just lost my dog and im a mess and cant stop thinking of do such a thing to a gorgeous little things is sick...they deserve the same treatment........there is nothing human about them to do what they have done....I know how your feeling and I hope it gets better with time xxxx

NameSandy Adams
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MessageI am so disturbed by this as is everyone. There isn't anything worse than abusing a defenselss child or animal. I just am in shock and so, so sorry for the families loss.

God Bless You and poor Peanut.

NameBernadette Brown
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MessageWell this has been a disturbing case and I hope Peanuts is up there watching.What a georgous little fellow he was.I am just horrified at what these men have done and concerned that if they had a tendency maybe their next "thrill" could be a child. These men should be sent to jail and given the maximum penalty with no early release.What cowards are they. Maybe they should be given a bit of their own medicine back. God love ya Peanuts you were beautiful.

Namesinead taylor
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MessageR.I.P little Peanut 2 years isnt long enough for what they did 2 you

All my Love

Namesinead taylor
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MessageMy heart goes out 2 you when I read the story and what these 2 monsters did 2 him I cried

All my love

NameAmber Kate
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MessageLost for words this is so sad.One day they will pay.

NameLara Harris
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MessageMy heart goes out to you and your beloved Peanut...I truly believe he is in the arms of God in Heaven waiting for you with his little tail wagging...God bless you!

NameLyn Smuck.
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MessageTo the dear neilson family, my heart goes out to all of yous. lm so sorry to hear about your little puppy. l hope these men get life as far as lm concerned thats what they need never to be released.Years ago l lost my dog to she was only 1 year old she got poisoned. l was so heartbroken, to think people can be so cruel.But l treasured the moments l had with Sheiba.All l can say is lm truely sorry for your loss.Little peanut was so cute indeed l have a minature foxy now which l adore so much. And l never keep him out of my sight.They are part of our lives l treat my dog spotty hes a male 4 in october. Like my baby he follows me everywhere.Peanut was such a lovely looking puppy that cute little face of peanuts.Makes your heart melt indeed, make he rest in peace. yours sincerely lyn smuck.

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