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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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NameJ Wilson
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MessageI came across this story while looking for information on a similarly horrendous incident in New York City. I'm devastated for this puppy, and his family and cannot even begin to comprehend how someone could do something like this. The words and images of this incident are burned into my mind forever.

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I live in melbourne and i have heard and seen some sick stuff but i must say this beats it!
for the family of peanut im am deeply sorry for wat the 2 australian men have done to ur puppy! i hope peanut get justice and peanut law is written so every animal can be safe! its sick ppl like this that tarnish australian reputation! i pray that the boys get the full peanalty they disever and a good beating at that once again im so sorry and i hope you are all alrighth best wishes from my family and frineds

NameBeth Hendricks
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MessageIf I am crying this hard, it must be unbearable for you. I don't understand this at all...May peanut cross over the rainbow bridge and may you see one day again. smilie

NameMatt Bradbury
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MessageOur hearts are with you Peanut.

NameChristine Chartrand
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MessageI just finished reading the facebook page on what happend to poor little peanut and i just want to say that peanut was such a beautiful little puppy and im so sorry this happend,me being such an animal lover that i am reading this brought tears to my eyes.RIP little peanut im sure you are very much missed.

NameCary Douglas Jr
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MessageI Love my dog Bella, she is like my child. If anyone were to harm her, I would hunt the person down and distribute more pain then imaginable (as I would if she were my own flesh and blood). To harm a poor defenseless creature should reward the same punishment as if they harmed a child. This is utterly disgusting and needs to be treated more severely. I hope the worst for these two men... I mean Boys. A real man wouldn't do such a thing. smilie

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MessageSo sorry. Nothing anyone can say or do will your beautiful baby back to you. But I hope it brings you some comfort to know that are still so many kind good, people out there, all around the world who care about what happened and want to see justice done for you and for Peanut. I have a dog and cannot begin to even imagine how i would feel if scum like this took him from me. I believe in karma and what goes around comes around. You are all in my thoughts. Rest in peace little one. x smilie

Namesamantha Windsor
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MessageOh baby peanut i will tink about all the time I look at my babies xx You were beautiful and should have lived a happy and long life xx I hope you are in peace baby just know there are many of us thinking abouy you xxx

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MessageThis story makes me sick... And I feel outraged at what these two monsters did to this innocent and beautiful puppy. This has to be the worst animal cruelty case I've ever read. They belong in jail locked up for life. These monsters should not be wandering the streets. I cannot imagine the pain and grief this poor family has endured. My heart goes out to them. I hope justice is brought to this family. These criminals can NOT walk away freely. Please continue fighting, and stay strong!

Namesharon blom
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MessageHand over the maximum penalty to these two F.Bastards I wish they both rot in hell and worse.They should get the same torture in return on themselves and what would be their freaking answer you two gutless f....... assholes.
May Peanuts wonderful little innocent soul rest in peace.We lost our older son to a deadly disease who was 29 at the time, the same time Peanut was slaughtered ,love you little Peanut will always pray for you and your family.

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