
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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NameJennifer Barbera
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Messagesmilie it is so sad.. help protect all of our beautiful animals

NameMichelle S.
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MessageTears are flowing down my face as I read what happened to Peanut...I know what its like to lose a beloved pet but I can't imagine the feeling of losing them to such cruelty and horror.My thoughts are with you. RIP little Peanut

NameOwen Brown
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MessageI will get my whole family to sign this. It is a more than worthy cause.

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MessageI am sitting here reading this really really terrible sad story trying to fight the tears that keep flowing, its impossible!! I do not know how anybody in this world could do such a cruel thing to a poor helpless animal! I have 2 dogs myself and a cat which I love very much and would stop at nothing to get justice. I hope the people that did this to Peanut get what they deserve! My thoughts and prayers are with you, R.I.P little Peanut! xxx

NameA C E
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MessageRecently there was a similar event in Muskogee Oklahoma where a woman and her boyfriend shot and then skinned a puppy so that she could tan the pelt for a belt. How sick is that? I wish Australia the best of luck in getting a law passed to prevent such cruelty from happening to all animals.

NameJay Hansard
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Messageguys im sitting here with my gorgeous dog harry right now who is a kelpie cross staffie and he would do anything for me like i would protect him through anything!these people need to be named and shamed!!!or what they do to a living animal should be done to them,cut off a dogs ears i will personally cut off that persons ears with out a blink of an eye,cut off a cats tail i will find thats persons tail and cut it off too!!they can not get away with what they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!if you know the peoples names that did this to peanut or the current dog in the news "buckley" please tell us who they are!cos this is a threat and i dont give a fuk if i get in shit for it!!!I will personally make sure they make the news for missing their ears and tail!!!!the gutless pricks!

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MessageGenesis: 1: 24: And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind.’ And it was so. 25: God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. “

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MessageI support the Neilsen family loss of beautiful little Peanut .

Namelinda anthony
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MessageThe owner of 2 foxy cross this has turned me into a crying paranoid mess, about even letting my dogs free in the back yard. Im sickened and angry - so very angry, and im disturbed, and cry at random every time a thought of this crosses my mind or i watch my own dogs tails wag.

The apple never falls far from the tree and my partner, not knowing what to do to help me deal with this informed me of some interesting recorded phone conversations with one of these boys mothers from a company he works at. Of course he uncovered multiple frauds, and incidents that the members of the family had been involved in etc etc - all of which have been forwarded on to the relevant authorities, to prove that this is no way an isolated case and should be treated with the harshest penalty available. It's high time the bureaucrats cut the crap and deal with these people with the same amount of mercy they show there victims. None. I've had it with slaps on the wrist. Peanuts law is the most important legislation people in this country could think to get behind - to make a stand against cowards like these.

NameCelina Hunter
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MessageI sat here and cried when I read this. I have several pets of my own, and it breaks my heart that someone could be so cruel and do this to your pet, your baby. My heart goes out to you and I hope that you will be able to find some comfort at this time.

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