
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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NameCatriona Bielok
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MessageJust sat here and cried when I read this.
I myself am an animal lover and I cannot believe just how sick some people can be.
Poor little Peanut was beatiful and I hope these sicko's get the maximum sentence possible for what they did......
Although I know that whatever sentence they get will feel not like justice, it wouldn't to me either.....I hope that it is of some comfort to you and your family.
RIP Peanut......

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Messagehonestly, this has to be one of the lowest things that any human can do. i am absolutely astounded that such little punishment can be handed out. if someone's child did this what would you think of them? that they're severely mentally messed up, so how is that any different? it's so much worse. did they never learn the basic human characteristics? how do they treat humans? no compassion, heart, thought process? I'm sorry but i would not want that type of person in my community, for that fact, i wouldn't want that type of person within 1000 feet of me.

MessageI am so sorry to hear of this travesty smilie I don't understand how these people can hurt such a beautiful, innocent animal..The law for cruelty against animals should be a lot harsher, but I hope these coawards are sentenced the full 2 years! God bless Peanut and may he rest in peace.

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MessageThis act of cruelty is an absolute disgrace. The people/person who did this should be in jail for the rest of their life! I am so sorry for your loss.

NameMaria Volo
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MessageI am so sorry for the loss of your puppy"Peanut"
The same should be done to the 2 COWARDS that did this to Peanut.I will never understand why anyone could ever do this to an innocent animal...May Peanut rest in Peace,poor little thing she didn't deserve itsmilie

NameTroy Deacon
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI was deeply upset to learn of this event... your puppy was beautiful and I wish you all the best in your heart's recovery.

Please e-mail me an update on this situation as I would rest easier knowing that these monsters are punished.

NameBianca Slamkova
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Messageim so sorry for what happened to Peanut but im sur ehe will be up in heaven playing with new doggy friends and having rumbles with them so just remember that u loved him and that he loved u and u will remember him as a playful and happy puppy.... if he had of been my dog i wouldve been in tears for days nd days and i even cried once when i read what had happened to him im sooo sorry for ur loss,bye Peanut

NameCynthia Johnson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am so sorry for your loss. I pray that the pople involved in this matterserve the full sentence. eceive counceling and drug help, while in jail. The Lord will kept you safe little one. I have dogs in Heaven they will be there for little Peanut.

Namesheri miller
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MessageThis story is so distrubing to me no animal deserves what little Peanut got. The way I see it is if they can do this to a little defensless puppy what can they do to a human. What they did just proves that they are not men at all especially if they can do this unspeakable act to a puppy. In my opinion they are mental but should not be treated as mental patients they should get the maximum penalty or maybe they should have the same torture done to them that they did to Peanut. Im very sorry for the loss of Peanut but I dont feel sorry for the sick SOB's that did this, they deserve to spend the rest of their life in prison. Again Im sorry for your loss.

NameKelly Butler
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am a member of the ASPCA website and I was send this link in order to sign the petition, which I think I was too late to sign. It makes me sick to think about what you and your family have gone through and especially Peanut. I hope these sick individuals get what they deserve. My heart goes out to you and your family at this very sad time.

Dear Peanut

I know that you are no longer in pain and that you are looking down on your lovely family watching over them. May you rest in peace and have a fun, happy and painfree life which is what you deserve.

I hope god serves you justice and that these sick individuals get what they desrve.

I never knew you but I know that your family loved you very much.

United Kingdom

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