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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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Namechris hopkin
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Messagehi guys
i am so sorry this happened to your pup
the story and discription may me cry , i hope these bastards go to prison and find out what suffering is all about
peanuts will not be forgotten

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MessageI am SO sorry to hear about your beloved Peanut and the horrible suffering he had to experience in his short life. This is a disgusting act of something that goes beyond animal cruelty and these boys are NOT human beings. They are cold empty worthless shells lashing out because they wanted more attention. I would gladly go to jail for the rest of my life to make sure these 'animals' suffered the same agonizing death as this poor little fellow. What disgusts me the most is, what if it had been a child that was stolen? If you can do that to a sweet innocent puppy, what's stopping you from snatching up a child and doing the same thing. They are clearly cowards and won't last long in jail. They WILL get whats coming to them, if another prisoner doesn't beat the snot out of them. The guards will. Best wishes to the family, this has to be the hardest thing to go through, losing a member of your family. It doesn't matter if that family member is human or furry, no one should be taken from us like that, such barbaric violence is not needed in today's society. Actually I'm pretty sure doing things like that wasn't necessary in the ice ages.

Namebev king
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MessageI am sickened and heartbroken ...poor little peanut. I have been reduced to tears. I have 3 gorgeous jack russell terriers and if anybody laid a finger on my dogs, I would seriously maime them for life.

Namejypsy bennett
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Messagedid not know peanut, but i could imagine him to have a cheeky pesonality, so georgeous peanut.... may you not suffer anymore. smilie

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Messagemy heart may go out to an animal, but this story saddens me and literally makes my stomach cringe.. this poor dog suffered immense pain and I hope wherever he is hes happily running around, I hope them losers get what's coming to them.

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Messagesadly we will not get justice, peanut as the laws are not on the side the good.ones i wish i could put peanuts killer.s away for life .so thay do not see the light of day ever. i would like to send my love and hugs to peanuts famliy ,god bless peanut.

NameDebbie McDonald
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MessageI am so sorry that your family lost Peanut - I am physically ill when I think of it. The ones responsible will pay - if not through the Court - then in Hell. Peanut is in a better place and will never feel pain again.

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Messagei'm so sorry you lost your best friend. This is absolutly terrible, i was trying not to vomit and cry at the same time while i read this. your poor baby, i'm sure he's watching over you and is your little gardian gaurd dog smilieagain im sorry for your loss, those bastards are going to rot in hell for this

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MessageIm an animal lover and the guys that did this to peanut should have the same thing done to them, its horrific!! As Ive always said to my kids you will never have a more loyal & trustworthy friend than your dog, they are better friends than most people and they have found this to be true. All our love from us and our three babies Kai, Dax and Leela.

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MessageMay peanut rest in peace... He is in a much better place now far away from the disguisting sick people who hurt this poor innocent puppy!! You will always be remembered!!! Be free and have fun in doggy heaven smilie smilie smilie

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