
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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NameJulian Bravery
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MessageWish I was there first smilie

NameCarolyn Forrest
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MessageI am so terribly sorry to read of this attrocity. I hope they get the maximum and know that one day they will get what is coming to them. Monsters have more concience than these two do. mental illness my butt. It is too bad they can't be punished in kind. smilie

NameAndrew Crome
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MessageWhat the hell is wrong with this world ? such an adorable puppy this story both sickened me a saddened me,that two human question marks could do this. my condolences to the Nielsen family be rest assured this pond scum will be punished one way or another

NameKathleen Dyrdahl
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MessageI am so sorry for your loss. I pray that peanut gets justice!

NameAngela Roth
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Messagewhat a precious dog to have his life taken by worthless excuse for a human being. let there be justice for the creatures that have not a voice & rely on us for 'unconditional love' peanut has gone over the rainbow bridge

NameDawn Kennedy
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MessageMy heart goes out to Peanuts family. This was a very sick and cruel crime

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Messagei only just heard about peanuts story, and it made me feel so sick to know how truly cruel and heartless some people can be.
To the neilsen family, i am so incredibly sorry for your loss..but i believe God allows terrible things to happen so that beautiful things may come of it.
Peanuts pain and the petitions involved could potentially stop many other animals going through the same ordeal. Thank you peanut, for selflessly giving your life to animal rights.

NameFiona Darko
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MessageI can't even begin to comprehend how terrible it must feel for the parents of such an adorable little baby. I know that I would be beyond being able to function in my daily life if something happened to my girls, I have two adorable little muttdogs and they are the center of my life, I have no one else. My heart goes out to you, and I hope that these criminals receive the punishment they deserve. It seems they are already becoming some of the most hated people in the history of Australia, and so they should be.

NameSherry b Bysma
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy heart fealt feelings go out to you the parents of adorable Peanut.The memories you have with Peanut are the memories to keep close to your heart
Peanut,everyone loves you and even those who dont know you, please remember the love from your family and the happiness you brought them, may god let you be with others that have no longer there parents, love ya Peanut and you will be saddely missed.

NameRandi Ball
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThis story literally turned my stomach, this cannot go unheard. I am an animal lover and my heart is with your family.

Know that you have support across the world on this!!! smilie

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