
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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NameSarah-Louisw Bramah
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MessageI have 7 pets, 3 of which are dogs, i could never ever understand why someone would hack a puppy to death, its disgusting and disgraceful.

The people who did it i hope someone makes you feel afraid, frightened, vunerable and scared that someone much bigger than you could erase your life, like you did to the poor poor puppy.

You disgust me and hope ou get everything you deserve.

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Messagemay your little soul rest in heaven peanut and may we all pray to god that these sick animals rot in hell bless u beautiful puppy smilie smilie

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MessageI'm so so sorry to read about your precious Peanut. My heart sank to read such horrific act. My prayer and thoughts are with you.

NameShawn Tickner
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MessageI'm sorry to hear of the loss of your family pet. Thoughts and prayers are with you.

Namemichelle grant
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Messagei am so sorry for your loss and the terrible suffering your little puppy went through if there is a god he will see that the two beasts who did this (you cant class them as men/human) will get punished to the maximum penalty and rot in hell rest in peace peanut god bless you xxxx

NameAnna Kargus
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MessageTruely sorry for your thoughts and prayers are with you...wish you all the best.


Namegary rossi
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Messagesmilie May God bless this poor ,helpless little puppy. And the family who loved and cared for him ,may the persons who did this- rot in hell !!! for starters. This is sickening and disgusting to even think it to be true. Hang these S.O.B.s. I love animals more than I care for most stupid people ,we are forced to share this world with.

Gary A. Rossi

Namegary rossi
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMay God bless this poor ,helpless little puppy. And the persons who betrayed this animal and family who loved and cared for him , rot in hell !!! for starters. This is sickening and disgusting to even think it to be true. Hang these S.O.B.s

Gary A. Rossi smilie

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MessageJust reading your story and seeing your gorgeous face in photos brought me to tears. How anybody could do such a thing to a trusting animal, I don't know. I only wish there was no place for such people in this world. Your story encouraged me to sign a petition to be taken to court in the hope of setting harsher penalties against people who commit animal cruelty. Hopefully courts will take note of your case and embrace stricter penalties.

Peanut, I hope you are now at peace until your family are once again with you. Rest peacefully little one... smilie

NameJackie Uthmann
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am so very sorry for the senseless and gut wrenching manner in which Peanut lost his life. He is irreplacable but hopefully by taking the stand you have, more will be done for animal rights in Australia. I hope he is happily running around in doggy heaven with lots of bones and angel cuddles. Those men who took Peanut's life are psychopaths who should be in jail for the wrest of their lives. Send them over to Port Moresby - I'll happily feed them to the puk puks here (crocodiles).

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