
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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NameAndrea Belen
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MessageRest in peace, Peanuts! You will not be forgotten by as, at all. You will get your justice, one way r another...

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MessagePeanut.I've sign the petition and ask the members
of every forum I visit to do the same.And they
have..People is posting the petition link
on facebooks pages,blogs,etc.Your story is
being told.Justice will be done.RIP.

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MessagePeanut.I've sign the petition and ask the members
of every forum I visit to do the same.And they
have..People is posting the petition link
on facebooks pages,blogs,etc.Your story is
being told.Justice will be done.RIP.

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MessagePeanut, we love you.

Melodie and Lara smilie

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MessageI just wanted to let the Neilsen Family know that my heart and prayers are whit them..I love animals so so much and when i read lovely Peanut's case,i felt my heart sink,it's just unbeliveable that someone can do such horrible acts of cruelty to a poor innocent little puppy...i hope in my heart,that these two sick people get the punishment they deserve,if it was in me,they'll spend their life in jail..R.I.P sweet Peanut,you'll be lovingly remembered by your family and people like me,who knows your story,Justice will be made sweet puppy... smilie

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MessageWords can't describe how I felt when I read about Peanut. Please know that thousands of people around the world are thinking of you and your loss and are determined to see the perpetrators of this barbaric act brought to justice. Rest in peace little Peanut.

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MessageWords can't describe how I felt when I read about Peanut. Please know that thousands of people around the world are thinking of you and your loss and are determined to see the perpetrators of this barbaric act brought to justice. Rest in peace little Peanut.

NameKrystal A
MessageI have a jack russell terrier and she looks much like peanut, it breaks my heart to hear such a horrible act done to a poor innocent being. I am deeply sypathetic to this outrageous act of cruelty. My prayers are with you.....

NameDoug Melton
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI'm sorry to hear of this horrible act. I hope those punks get what they deserve!

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MessageRest In Peace.Sweet Peanut.

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