
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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MessageI am so sorry for the lost of your precious Peanut. I also have a dog named Peanut. What a beautiful puppy your Peanut was. He is with angels now and protected. I so love animals and i can't understand how anyone can hurt animals. These demons who hurt Peanut deserve to be tortured and punished to the fullest.

NameRobert Hanson
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MessageI wish to be in the line, shears in hand and pcket knife, for the torture everyone else wishes to inflict on these sadistic souls. Please contact me when this day of justice comes around.

Namesarah pettrey
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MessageI am so sorry about Peanuts. I am an avid animal lover and I don't know how you feel about losing Peanuts that way, but I have just recently put my 14 yr. old golden retriever down because of hip problems, and it was tramatic for my husband and I. I want you to know I feel your pain,and I am keeping you in my prayers! smilie
Sarah Pettrey
Hardy Va.

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MessageI hope we can help put an end to the animal abuse.

NameHeather Tringo
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MessagePeanut's story has brought me to tears....another horrific crime has been committed against an animal. A member of a family, a life, a living breathing being.
I am so sorry for this family.
There must be change, must be harsher laws for these crimes.

God bless you all! smilie smilie smilie

NameKathleen Kanoff
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MessageI am so sorry. Beyond words. My heart goes out to you in the deepest way.

It is my hope that shock protects the mind, and that Peanut was in shock.

Peanut will not be forgotten, if I could turn back the clock for you, I wish we could.

On behalf of the decency that is left in the world,

Our Deepest Sympathy. smilie

NameJillian Cartwright
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MessageI am so incredibly sorry Peanut. I cannot believe that has happened to you, and how much pain you were in and how scared you were. You could've still been alive today if it werent for those juvenile delinquents. As I look at your picture I can't imagine what you went through. I am so sorry Peanut. No animal should go through anything like that. I don't know why anyone would do sucha thing to a sweet little puppy like you.
Rest In Peace little one<3.

NameDonna Ray
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MessageTo Peanut and his Family, Your such a beautiful baby who was killed by some thoughtless idiots, you will be safe now in heaven with my baby boy Lewis and my wonderful Labrador Hollie. I'm so sorry for your loss and I think the idiots who have done this to Peanut should get life smilie smilie

NameDawn Hickz
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MessageThen men that did this to this beautiful creature should rot in HELL!! It takes a pretty huge coward to hurt and innocent animal and there in never an excuse for this!!

NameNikki Kilpatrick
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Messagethese pr!cks make me fel sick. how do you even come into the state of mind where you concider stealing a dog and hacking it up. for fukcs sake?! the mofos have to pay. smilie

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