
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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NameGenevieve Robinson
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MessageThis has sickened me, yet does not surprise me, as more and more humans are lowering to this level.
And what is more alarming is that they are getting younger and younger.
I can only but imagine what your family is going through. Knowing that you could not be there to rescue your puppy - and the sick minds of the boys.
I believe, that because of the proven link between animal abuse, and the abuse of children, this is enough to make sure that criminals who abuse in this way, get the maximum time for their crimes.
Good luck with the fight, as it will be a history in the making - as case law.
Animal Welfare law is the weakest form of law. It needs to change now, and to change for the good.

Thoughts are with you all
Genevieve Robinson - Animal Welfare coodinator, Dunedin, NZ

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MessageI am so sorry. I know those words will never make up for the loss of a loved one; whether it be human or animal, but I don't have the words to make things better. I have a 10 month old puppy and this story frightens me to no end and I can only imagine how you feel at the moment. I hope these people get what they deserve, I really do. I just can't stop reading this story. I've signed the petition many times and encouraged my friends to do the same. It might sound cliche but Peanut is in a better place now where he is safe. Never give up and continue fighting for what is right and we'll all fight with you.

Namerebecca maguire
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Messageit is absolutly discusting what these animals have done to peanut and no doubt they will get away with it as these cowards usually do, i think they should be given a LIFE sentence as they HAVE taken a life at the end of the day..

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MessageI have no words to describe how discusted my family and I felt when we heard this story. We are all praying that the monsters whom did this to a poor innocent creature get the death sentence. We are very sorry for your loss. Keep your heads held high for justice shall be paid. This story should prove the point that if nothing is done soon monsters shall rule the world, dont let this happen stand up and make a point. RIP peanut for all whom knew you shall never rest till justice is served!!

NameJessamyn Genise
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MessageMay this incident be a lesson to everyone. Please stop animal abuse.

NameAdam Parbery
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MessageIt is such a horrible thing that has happened!! I dont understand how some people can have such a disregard for life... I am so sorry for your loss.. As most decent human beings would know no matter how bad your day was or your life is heading the love of an animal can make it all go away even for just a split second and make everything seem ok..... RIP peanut let's hope justice is served

NameAdam Parbery
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MessageIt is such a horrible thing that has happened!! I dont understand how some people can have such a disregard for life... I am so sorry for your loss.. As most decent human beings would know no matter how bad your day was or your life is heading the love of an animal can make it all go away even for just a split second and make everything seem ok..... RIP peanut let's hope justice is served

Namepaula o'connor
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Messageaw im thinking of peanut and hes owners who must be very distressd over this...prayers go out to you from england x x x

NameAlex Brown
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MessagePeanut, you deserve so much better u beautiful creature, some sick people in this world deserve nothing less than what u got, this world is a sick awful place to live in, i whish the world was a better place to have saved u from that awful torture but they wasnt.I dont have a clue how ur owners will be feeling but my heart feels for them. rest in peace beautiful creature

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MessageI am so sorry for your loss. I cant even imagine losing my pet like that.

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