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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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MessageI hope these 'people' if you could call them that get the worst possible sentencing. this is barbaric.

one of the signs for a psycho/sociopath in the beginning, starts with small animals then move on to children, Im not saying this is the case here, But I think these individuals should be kept an eye on the rest of their mortal lives.

NameRachel Birch
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MessageI cannot believe what I have read... how could people be so cruel to a defenceless animal?Peanut looked to sweet & lovely - i'm speechless & gobsmacked that someone could have done such a vile thing to him. I feel so sad for the family. Lets hope that justice is done & those horrible, thoughtless, cruel arseholes get sent down.... they deserve the same torture done to them! RIP Peanut. x

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MessageHow anyone could be so cruel or neglect any animal is beyond me. Hopefully something good will come out of something so tragic. We need harsher penalties for the criminals that do such things. Peanut looked like such a sweet sweet puppy.Please accept our condolences on your sad loss .Our thoughts are with you all..

NameCassie Thomas
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MessageI sat in disbelief while reading details of this story it brought a tear to my eye. These people are discusting human beings, filthy excuses for life. They need to get what they deserve and in my opionion 2 years in prison is not nearly enough! Peanut was a beautiful puppy smilie

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MessageHang them.

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MessageI hope that the courts will realize the brutality and cruelty within this case. Regardless of the victim, the perpetrators still inflicted a massive amount of pain, humiliation and cruelty to a living being. It is the mind behind the actions that should be judged accordingly, not the status of the victim.

Let them be sentenced accordingly. My wishes go out to the family who owned Peanut.

NameAngie Langston
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MessageI cried my eyes out after reading Peanuts story, it was like something from a sick horror film and hard to believe that anyone would actually do this.
To Peanuts family, I am so sorry for what you have gone through and hope you get justice.
To the sick bastards who did this, I hope you die of the most painfull, lingering illness ever and when you finally die, I hope you rot in the bowels of hell!! smilie smilie smilie

NameKevin Langston
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MessageThese people should be given the same treatment they gave Peanut. Unfortunately they won't but Justice must be given. Just because it happened to an animal and that animal cannot defend itself, or go to it's own lawyers, please if we are all civilzed ( which obviously these ba****d weren't) lets getb them put away. smilie smilie

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MessageThese men should have the maximum penalty for what they did to you. Rest in peace.....hopefully you have gone to a better place xXx

NameEllyn Bresinger
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MessageRest easy Peanut, these men WILL be punished.

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