
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

Please respect the Neilsen Family with no foul or offensive language.
This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

Please leave a tribute to Peanut

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Messagethey shud send em down for life.

Namemark & kerri
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Messagei am shocked at this blatant act of malice to animal's, these so called human's should be shot ! hanged ! & mutilated !
we have 2 dogs & 3 cats & they are our children as our kids are !
anyone commites a crime on kidz & they are punished, they are cruel to animal's and they WALK !!!
this is b-ll sh-t !
Not all people are barbaric like some & i pray these two get what is coming to the full weight of the law !!!
to the family of peanut we give our love & condolences for their loss...
mark & kerri...

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MessageHope you rest in peace and i believed you are by the God side now.

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MessageIt is shocking to know that there is people that torture defenseless animals just for their twisted idea of pleasure. I printed a pic. of Peanut and placed it in my office, to remind me everyday of the little family dog that has been taken away from his familiar surroundings by strangers to be tortured.

I also have a small dog (Jack Russell) and believe me, if this happened to me, I would have been on those two punks with the fury of a lion.

However, by staying calm and petitioning for a harsher sentence, you are doing the right thing, as this will send out a message clear to all, that this animal abuse is unacceptable.

Those two idiots have now created much more enemies for themselves than they ever bargained for.

NameClaudine Roch
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MessageNo one or nothing should have had to go through what you did. I pray that the people who do this suffer misery in life and have you haunt them for the rest of their lives!!

NameShannon Cremeans
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MessageMy heart goes out to this adorable, poor little pup & his family. When I first heard of this, I was sickened & cant fathom how anyone on earth could do such a sick, horrible, evil thing to such a sweet living creature. Im so deeply disturbed & hurt by this & I pray that these monsters get what is coming to them, karma! It makes me sick to think of any animal being hurt, tortured & killed. Words cant express how much this sickens me & how I can only wish justice is served. RIP Peanut

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MessageI am so sorry for the loss of your little one. I know that words can never express such sorrow that you feel at this time. I cannot imagine such a horrible thing to happen to your little peanut.

I am an animal rights acitvist and I have signed the petition for stiffer laws for these horrible people who harm animals.

NameCharlene Cassar
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MessageThe cruelty brought tears to my eyes. I pray that justice will be served. I am ever so sorry for your loss.

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MessageCruel, deranged and sick. Don't let them get away with this.

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MessageCruel, deranged and sick. Don't let them get away with this.

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