
  (Please note:  this guestbook is NOT the Petition)

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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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MessageJust as well I'm not the judge because I would make their punishment be to perform on them exactly what they uncomprehensibly done to helpless little peanut. A puppy is a defensless and harmless creature. Nothing could justify these actions from a normal mentality. These actions give realisation that tougher penalties need to be introduced. My heart goes out to the family for their tragic loss.

NameElizabeth Harris
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagethis poor little Dog didn't deserve the horrible treatment from those 2 animals who took this little loveable puppie PEANUT , they should get the full penalty & punishment ever given to a person in Qld or another State in Australia .

NameTammy Harkonen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageMy heart goes out to you to have lost your dear family member at such a young one should have to have endured such torture. It's bad enough when they get older and you have to make the hard decission on what to do for them, but this was totally uncalled for. Be strong, the hole in your heart will get won't go away all together, because you will always remember the good times with Peanut and that's what counts...good memories!

The Harkonen Family including Sampson (10 month Samoyed, and Jewels 5 yr Min. Schnauzer.

NameLisa Testa
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MessageMaximum penalty NO LESS!! What a disgusting crime!

NameMuneera Khamis
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MessageRIP little fella! Justice will be done! Luv You!

Namepete sharkey
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MessageAll good dogs go to heaven. RIP little fella. Hope justice is done.

Namedawn coleman
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Messagethese mungrels need to be put away for a very long time what if it had been a child these sick mungrels had decided to do this to first a dog then what a human life.

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MessageRest In peace little Peanut
remember Rainbow Bridge you will meet your
beloved master again
and what goes around comes around they will get
what they deserve one way or another

Nameangela gardner
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Messagerip in peace peanut............this was a truely horrific act, what the hell is wrong with these people, they dont deserve to walk amongst normal society they took a life so lock them up for life............... thoughts and sympathy go out to peanuts owners

MessagePoor little Peanut, God bless him! I am so sorry for your loss!

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