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This guestbook is a place to give dedication to Peanut & the Neilsen family.

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MessageRest in peace, Peanut... am sure you are in a better place now. Deepest condolences to the Neilsens, rest assured those who are responsible, will be severely punished!

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MessageI read the article on facebook and i was absolutly horrified. Who could actually do such a cruel act to a poor defensless dog? I just want to empathize with the family. I am very sorry such a senseless act of violance. I really hope you win in court, those monsters don't deserve to walk on this earth free! Once again, I am VERY sorry.

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MessageI am so saddened by this, i can't imagine the pain you have felt. How anyone can harm this gorgeous animal, is beyond me.. Rest in peace little Peanut..

NamePia O.
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MessageHope and pray for justice for Peanut smilie

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MessageThese men should stay in jail for the rest of their sick lives. How could someone do such a thing to a helpless little puppy? Poor little Peanuts. ♥

R.I.P Peanuts, your safe now. (:

NamePeter Page
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MessageAny human being that is capable of such an inhuman act negates their right to live amongst society as far as i'm concerned. Pleading mental illness is merely a lawyers tool for reducing sentences in particularly heinous crimes where the accused are without doubt guilty. Forget that, try them as the murderous, sick, blood thirsty butchers that they are, lock'em up and remove them from civilization.

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MessageI am so sorry to read about what happened to your little dog.
Words fail me - they really do.
How can anyone even consider hurting a little defenceless animal is beyond me.
If anyone hurt any of my three dogs then I can honestly say I would do time for my actions.
My heart goes out to the family smilie
I pray they get the Bastards that did this.
And I really hope that the punishment will fit the crime.

Personally I would remove their head and let them use their last 20 seconds of eyesight to take one final look at their body - before feeding it to some wild dogs.
This is after I've made them inflict torture on themselves.

Im so sorry for your sad loss.
Keep the happy Memories of Peanut inside you.
Time is a great healer and its such a tragedy how he was taken away so soon.
When word gets out who did this barbaric act, their lives may not be worth living. They will be constantly looking over their shoulder.
If it were me - Nothing would stop me from taking revenge.

Sleep well little one xxx

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MessageHumans are cruel

NameLisa and Holly
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MessageThose bad men deserve to have their noses cut off.

Run free gorgeous puppy, free from pain until your family come to meet you at the rainbow bridge

NameFaye Brady
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MessageThey Should do the same to those evil scumbags as they did to that adoreable dog, I hope that justice gets done, and my sympathy is for the familyof Peanut xx

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