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NamePeggy (Long) Drake
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MessageThis message goes out to Peggy, I am sooo sorry for your loss. I don't know if you remember me or not, we met at The Avondale Church of the Nazerene many years ago. Zac was such a nice boy back then, I can just imagine that he remained that way as he got older. I wish we hadn't lost touch with each other as the years passed. If you would like to reconnect, please just send me an e-mail to the address above. I wish I could've been there today, but unfortunately I was unable to be there. You were in my thoughts all day.

NameShane Miller
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MessageI had the privilege of spending a year as the assistant swim coach under Sonny Culbreth with the high school swim team, and that was where I got to know Zac. I cannot imagine anyone who ever spent a day around Zac not instantly liking him. Even at that young age, he was so grounded, always aware of the big picture, always looking out for his friends and finding little ways to create fun and laughter.

Like many people who have signed this book, it has been a great many years since last I saw Zac but when I picture him in my mind, he's still laughing.

I am so saddened for this loss to Zac's family and friends. May his strength and his smile sustain you all. Thanks for all the laughter, Zac. I'll never forget.

NameJamie & Jacque Stone
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MessagePeggy, Jeremy, Mark and family, we are so saddened with the death of Zac, and you know we understand the loss. With your faith, I know you have a strong belief in the Lord, keep that close to you. The love we have for our children as parents is so great that when we lose one of them our lives are forever changed. Our love and prayers are always with you.

NameNicole Davis
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MessageI am sorry about Zac. It's been a long while since I saw him last, but I do remember him well. He was a happy guy who always seemed to have fun. I know he made me laugh a lot and I enjoyed being around him. He was a blessing to all who knew him. God bless and be with you and your family.

NameLea Curtis
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MessageI am so sorry to hear about Zac's passing. I remember when y'all were in the same apartment complex as my dad. We had some fun - including a wild water fight!

I am upset that I learned of the services just now; as I very much would have liked to attend, but unfortunately they have already finished. Please let me know if there is anything I can do - even if it is just someone to reminisce with.

Mr. Shouse - Dola-Bash-on. yes, I still remember.

NameTricia Schultz
MessageI had the great fortune to have Zac as a student during my years teaching at Millennium. He was a part of the spirit line team I coached. Like so many others have said, he was always a positive and caring part of the group, with a huge smile and a laugh always ready. I have a great picture of him holding one of the girls, Brittany, over his head in a stunt with a big huge Zac smile on his face. When I think about him, it is that smile and big heart that I remember. No matter what he was doing he always made it seem like the most amazing thing anyone could be doing, and more fun than any alternative. He will always be remembered in that way, living life fully. I am so grateful that I knew him, and I offer my prayers and support to all of the family. God bless you.

NameClint DuMars
MessageI was very saddened to hear the terrible news of Zac's passing, it has been years since I have seen or talked to him but memories of some do not fade. My heart goes out to all of Zac's family. Stay strong

NameSara Roberts
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MessageMy deepest condolences to the family. Zac and I have lost touch over the years, but I'll never forget him. The days at Thrasherland are always in my memories. Zac. You were an awesome dude and you are never going to be forgotten. Apparently God wanted to have you so bad, he took you early. God speed my friend.

NameSarah Spiekermeier (Davis)
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MessageMy thoughts and prayers go out to his family. I was their today at the funeral and cemetery and even though it was so sad it was wonderful to see all of our old friends come together for him. I knew Zac from jr. high and into high school, but lost contact after he stayed at Millennium and I went to Agua Fria. I always remember him making me smile and laugh. One of my favorite memories of him was when I went to my first high school dance he was there with a girl friend of mine and I was nervous being that it was my first high school dance. He saw that I was uncomfortable came up to me got me to laugh and taught me how to swing dance and I ended up have them best time ever because of him. He will be so missed, but never forgotten, even though it has been several years since I have seen him I can still see his smile and hear his laugh.

NameLaura Weaver
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MessagePeggy and Family,

I am deeply sorry for your loss. May the love of the Father be with you at this difficult time. My prayers are with you all.

Laura Weaver

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