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NameDanika Barela
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MessageI knew Zac from Millennium. 9 years ago is a long time for anyone. Memories fade, friends drop out of touch. While I wasn't a close friend of Zac's he did make an impression. He was always quick to smile, quick to laugh. He's laugh was infectious, and made you want to laugh. I never really heard him say a harsh word to anyone. He was a kind soul, a gentle man. Someone that could light up a room with his smile. This world is somehow dimmer, a little smaller, without him here. My thoughts are with his family. Zac, may you rest peacefully now.

Danika Barela

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MessageI haven't seen Zac in years. I remember always looking up to him at Boy Scouts since he was one of the more accomplished and mature scouts we had. I'm sorry for your loss, and will always remember him.

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MessageI will always remember Zac as the fun loving kid with a zest for life on the Lagartos swim team.

My heart goes out to his brothers and sisters.


NameSteve Komonce
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MessageMark, Peggy and family,

My thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.

I'm generally not one to quote scripture, but I found some words in Isaiah I would like to share:

33:24 And no inhabitant will say, “I am sick”

40:28 The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He does not faint or grow weary.

40:29 He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength.

40:30 Even youths shall faint and be weary, and young men shall fall exhausted;

40:31 But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.

May the Lord give you strength and hope.

Blessings to you all,


NameGreg Forsman
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MessageMy daughter Jennifer told us of the sad news. I am both shocked and saddened. I had the pleasure of seeing Zack and Ryan at my house when we lived in Litchfield Park, but I really got to know Zack when I coached AYSO Soccer in 1996. It was always a pleasure to be around Zack, we have lost a great person. I am comforted to read that Zack came to love Jesus. I know I will get to see him again one fine day. I will pray for all the family and loved ones who are feeling this loss. Look to God for comfort in the days ahead. Although I have not seen Zack in quite some time, he will be sorely missed. We'll see you in the great by and by. Rest peacefully my brother.

NameTony Kellems
MessageMy parents called to tell me the sad news about Zac today. I was stunned that someone my age, someone I was close friends with as a kid, had passed away. I have so many good memories of scouting and just friendship with Zac. He was never afraid to be silly and was always cheerful and helpful with people he met. He was a great leader, and it was a privilege to serve on Ceremonies Team with him, and I still on occasion, when on retreats, bring out a few particular cheers that I have remembered, mainly because of his enthusiastic delivery and humor that made them unforgettable. You and your family will be in my prayers, and I pray that God will strengthen you during this tough time.
Peace and God Bless,

NameWanita McLaughlin
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MessageTo all of Zac's loved ones, my heart is sad for each of you. He will be missed.
One cannot control the length of life, only the depth.
My thoughts and prayers are with each of you as you adjust to the "new normal" in each of your worlds.
As his Mom said, God is in control and though we don't understand, we have a reservation so see him again for eternity.
With deepest sympathy and love,
Wanita McLaughlin-Gannon

NameJudy Ashby
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MessageMy sincere sympathy to all of Zac's family. I
remember Zac as a little guy scrambling around Scott Libby. He always had a captivating smile with those wonderful dimples. Zac was one of those special cuddle bears that you just had to
squeeze. Remembering the joy he brought to each of us will help diminish the pain.
Please know that you are in our hearts and prayers.

NameAimee Poppert
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MessageSometimes life comes at you with unexpected unfamiliar turns.. My best friend/brother Zac (King) has passed away on July 14, 2010. Although he was not blood related, he was truely a real brother to me. He was an amazing person who not only wanted his friends to do the best for themselves but he would step out of his way to do best for his friends. He was truely an amazing friend that will never ever be forgotten or unloved. I miss you terribly and wish you were still here to help me through this life. I will continue to be you're baby sis everyday. I'll love you forever big brother! "I'll never forget about you" smilie

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MessageMy condolences to Zac's family. I did not know Zac well, but the limited time we had together what I can always recall is his infectious laugh and his beautiful smile. I am sorry that he left us so soon.

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