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MessageI am planning a visit soon. Any news on caretakers? Are they being kind to visitors? Thanks for this site and any info.

NameKristine bark
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MessageMy husband and I were interested in getting in contact with the caretaker so we could tour the castle and take some pictures. Is there a phone number or address we can have to get permission?

NameChristopher Theurich
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MessageGreat site! Thanks for investigating the history behind the castle.

NameKelli Cline
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MessageI have recently learned about this abandoned treasure from a video on youtube. There are no words to adequately express my frustration and sadness for the lack of care taking this magnificent home has endured. I am sad that the original owner, Mr Dundas was unable to see and realize the dream of his beautiful home for his family and loved ones. What strikes me most is here is this structure, built to be his family's beautiful and loving home, and here it is today alone and rotting. The faction that currently owns this property should be ashamed for their lack of care to this precious treasure.

Private Message added 2013-02-19

Private Message added 2013-01-29

NameDonna Hill
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI saw a picture of the castle and wanted to find out more about it. It is beautiful, and it is sad that it is empty. My husband and I might visit this summer, can we get more information about it's location, and where to find the caretaker? thank-you Donna

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello, I am very interested in going to see this castle and was just wondering who do I contact to get permission to go see this. If it is available to go to see could you also give me directions. Could someone please email me back and let me know. Thank you so much! smilie

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MessageWould love to have contact information to visit and photograph interior and exterior of this wonderful castel.

Im from Upstate NY, Finger Lakes

NameBeth Murray
MessageThank you for all the information. We have known of the castle, but only recently took a ride to view it from the road. It's lovely!

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