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MessagePraise God for the few days of non-events. I continue to pray for comfort, rest and total healing. Keep up the fight Gina ... you are doing beyond great.


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MessageStill praying for you Gina!!! Keep up the fight!!


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MessageI don't know but praying so hard for you. You are so brave. I'm praying so hard that you will recover from this surgery .....and live a healthy beautiful life. God Bless.

NameMarcia Gatlin
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MessageHello Gina and FOP, I have been staying updated with Pepe's status since being directed by Confessions of a CF Husband to this blog. Wow!!! She's been through a LOT, but is a very strong person, and definately has the determination to not let this do her in! Fight hard and be strong Pepe, and I'm asking God to continue to give her the strength to keep fighting, and that hopefully soon all of this will be behind her and soon a distant memory. I'm also asking God to keep the FOP strong as well! Thanks to the FOP for keeping everyone updated! I am praying that Pepe will have a good night and a better day tomorrow!

North Carolina

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MessageHey Gina, Last post i read sounds a little encouraging.. Praying for you to turn that corner! God Bless you ~ XOXOXOX smilie joni

NameDebbie Angelo
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MessageGo Pepe! You are one tough lady!! If I could take that nasty pneumonia for you, I would. I'm praying for you, girlfriend...don't give up the fight!

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MessageHope today is a better day for you sweetie.. XOXOX smilie joni

NameLisa Wilson
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MessageHey you I am pulling for you praying and asking God to lift your pain and heal your infection!
I am still going to ride on thr beach with you someday girl! I even kept my lil paint filly becuase she is young and I know my old man appy may not last till your well enough togo ride Lord knows I am going to need a good horse.... and we will match since she is a paint! Will surely make for some kool pictures! That will be one of my most treasured albums!
GODS Love and light to you Gina......
With love from us too,
Lisa, Johusa and Fancy and the Pommy crew lol!!

NameLisa Wilson
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MessageHey you i am pulling for you praying and asking God to lift your pain and heal your infection!
I am still going to ride on thr besch with you someday girl! i even kept my lil paint filly becuase she is young and I know my old man appy may not last till your well enough togo ride Lord knows I am going to need a good horse and we will match since she is a paint! Will surely make for some kool pictures! Tha will be one of my most treasured albums!
Love and light to you Gina......
Lisa, Johusa and Fancy and the Pommy crew lol!!

MessageKeep fighting Pepe!!! We are all praying for you! You have so much life left to live! Just hang on sweety!

Love, Meghann

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