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MessageHey Pepe,
I have been checking in but not always leaving messages. I hope you can kick the pneumonia and get rolling towards recovery!!

Hang in there!

~a fellow CF'er

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MessageHey Gina,

I was so happy to read that you walked a little bit more the other day..

You are such an inspiration to so many..

Keeping you in prayer. God Bless XOXOXOX smilie joni

MessagePepe, you are in my prayers. I hope your miracle gets a bit easier SOON.

Wishing you peace,

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Messagewe miss you in the dog room and we think of you all the time!
hang in there and be strong like you always are. you are an amazing person and i admire your strength.

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MessageWarmest wishes to Pepe and the FOP. I was turned on to her site by a fellow LAM patient who shared Pepe's amazing story with us. Our dear LAM sister, Rachel Nates, passed away yesterday while waiting anxiousely for tx. She was so special and reminded us daily of the beauty in life and introduced us to other people's stuggles. Ultimately uniting us all as one. A community of lung dis-eases cheering each other on.

Rachel will surely be missed. We're pulling for you Pepe. You can beat this and from here on out it is CARPE DIEM for you!!!!

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MessageI have been reading Pepe's blog for a few weeks now and wanted to tell her and her family and friends that I am praying and pulling for her. I knew nothing about CF until I ran across Tricia and Nates blog, "confessions of a cf husband", I have learnt so much and want to get involved and try to bring awareness to this disease, and most importantly find a cure. Pepe, not only are you georgeous, but you have been thru more pain and trials than most people on this earth! You are a true role model to so many people. I pray your pain subsides, that your pneumonia is healed and that you get better, even if it's a little at a time. God Bless You Gina. You have impacted many people with your suffering and your will. You are my idol. Keep fighting! Love, Marlene, Charlotte, North Carolina

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MessageHello Gina and FOP, I was directed to your blog by Confessions of a CF Husband. I am praying that God will help Gina turn the corner and she will feel the true miracle of her new lungs! smilie

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MessageWe are rooting for you Gina. Stay strong!


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MessageWow... I'm just blown away by your incredible fighting spirit and sheer life-force. I'll be praying for you, and I hope you beat that pneumonia and get better soon.

You are an inspiration to me.

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