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NameLaine Lersch
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MessageYou have probably already heard this, but many patients who spend an extended time in ICU experience what is known as ICU psychosis or ICUitis. It is a very common result of medication, not knowing what time of day it is, isolation from their "normal" daily events, etc. Also, if she doesn't have a window in her room, that will add to the confusion. It clears up quite quickly when the individual is moved to a regular room. My father had many hallucinations of which he remembered very few. He wouldn't push his pain pump because he was convinced that the nurses had calculated it incorrectly and he would die from an overdose. Just try to find humor in the funny ones.

NameWill (rhodeislanddbill)
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MessageHi Gina,

I know you will pull through this, we need you in food chat. We love and miss you. Hurry back.

Will Celani

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MessagePraying for you honey..

This is a favorite prayer of mine.

"Have no fear for what tomorrow my bring..

The same loving God who cares for you today
will take care of you tomorrow and every day.

God will either shield you from suffering
or give you unfailing strength to bear it. (You are one of the strongest ppl i have ever met)

Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious
thoughts and imaginations." ( I will pray to God for help w/ this, the meds as we know can do quite a number on our minds.)

Love joni (aka beleache)

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MessageMy heart aches when I read of your struggle. Keep up the positive thoughts. Hoping to see losts of good news on the next update. You're on my prayer list.

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MessageGina I am praying for you. Hang in there, give it to God, the Bible says that He will lighten your load and that He doesnt give us anything that we do not have the strength to shoulder with Him by our sides.

Lord, I pray a hedge of protection around Gina, protecting her from the whispering words of the enemy. Remove him and all the other evil from her room. Replace them with a million angels and Your wonderful peaceful presence. I pray that Gina sees some progress in her healing. That she starts to feel better and that she remains strong in her perserverence. Lord, place your healing hand on Gina, take away the sickness, the pain and replace it with wellness and comfort. Be with her doctors, nurses and caregivers, give them the wisdom to know the best course of treatment. Lord, I ask you to be with Gina's loved ones, bring them rest, peace and strength. Give them Your words to whisper into Gina's ear. Bring someone into her life with a bible, so that they may read Your comforting words to her. Thank you for loving each and everyone of us more than we can ever understand. In Jesus' healing name, AMEN.

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MessageI am a regular blog reader of yours, and pray that you become strong with each new day. God Bless. smilie

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MessageKeep fighting Pepe!!! We are all praying for you. Just keep on keepin' on. One day at a time.

Meghann M.

NameL.Bo Marie
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I don't know you, but I'm praying for ya!
hang in there, you're doing great, you're encouraging tons of people.
including me.
Thank you smilie

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MessageHang in there Gina, we are praying for you. I have no idea how hard this is for you, I just hope you tap into the strength of Jesus to help you through the tough times.

God Bless and Heal you.


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MessageHang in there, Pepe! Praying that you see better days ahead!

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