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MessageMy prayer for you is to breathe easy.
I pray this and believe that it will be soon.
Love from SA

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MessageGina, you are never far from my mind ... I was disappointed to read this morning that you are back on the vent. Fight hard, just as you have been doing. I'm praying that today will be the day you turn the corner.

Private Message added

NameSarah Scott-Branagan
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MessagePraying for you....hoping for you....thinking of you.

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MessageA few steps !!!! Yippie... Keeping you in prayer ~ smilie XOXOX joni

NameJenny Coulon
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MessageI just got done reading the FOB blog and am so amazed at how resilient you are. You are so strong to fight, fight, fight all of the obstacles that you have faced. I will keep in touch to follow your process. I hope to hear great news in the future. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this trying time. smilie

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MessageGood luck keep strong I will pray for you and your family. My sister has CF and is currently on the waiting list for a double transplant. You just keep fighting because you deserve to know how it feels to live healthy.
Carmin smilie

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MessageFound this blog about a week or so ago and have been following Pepe's progress daily.

Many prayers coming your way from Ohio.
Thru God's Grace we will have victory !

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MessageHappy to hear some good news. We'll keep praying that things continue to get better. Hang in there Pepe!!!

a fellow CF'er

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MessageGood Evening Miss Gina,

I will continue to pray for you. For healing, rest, comfort and perserverence. God Bless you for your will to love, it is amazing. Be strong. I pray rest and peace for your family.

God Bless and give you restful sleep tonight. No interuptions. Hang in there, you are amazing!

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