This Guestbook is for all three of my blogs
- The Sinking of the Oceanos
-The Ex Premier Milling MIS Team
- My Personal Blog, The tales of Rosie Roo

NameDonna Lockyer
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MessageHello Rose,

First of all, let me say that I am very glad to hear that you survived the terrible ordeal of the sinking of the Oceanos. Do you know if the Captain was charged for effectively abandoning the ship?

Donna Lockyer
London, Ontario, Canada

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MessageHi Rose, 17 September 2008
Really a lot of effort has gone into this blog, THANK YOU for keeping us intouch.
Yes we were like family, never gave it a thought that it would come to an end. Where is Zeta, Alet, Carol, Cammy I know is in OZ, Daleen, Dedrei I believe is in Meyerton SA, I cant recall her name Allen's crazy seceratry the girl with the long blond hair she was so funny always put a smile on our faces, I will try and locate who I can and will let you know. Thanks for keeping us in touch graet job, love to all. Ina smilie

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MessageHi Lisa & William,

The entertainers those who helped with the rescue operation were given medals for bravery, that included Moss & Tracy, Robin and a few others. I will see if I can find that web site where I saw it as there was a photograph of the guys as well.

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After seeing the documentary on National Geographic TV, and learning that the captain and his crew jumped ship to leave the passengers to fend for themselves, I believe there is only ONE solution:

Boycott Greek registered cruise lines

And, please inform the Greek Government (as I have) that under no circumstances would I ever take a Greek registered cruise ship anywhere.

The National Geo documentary said that the Captain is STILL piloting a ferry boat in Greece.

It is time to get their attention. Boycotts are the way to do this. But you must also inform them that you will.


NameLisa and William
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello! We just came across the YouTube video of the rescue by chance and then read your fascinating account of your experience. What a terrifying ending to a rotten cruise! smilie Do you have any idea whether the entertainers who helped so much in organising the rescue were ever rewarded in any way for their bravery? We can't find anything about it on the Internet. So many awards are handed out nowadays when they are not truly deserved, but it seems that these people really did act like true heroes (another very over-used word these days). Would love to hear from you. By the way, we are near Cork City. Best wishes.

NameGavin Dankworth
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MessageHi Guys

This is an amazing site, I am still in the land of the living.

NameIna Verstet
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MessageHi all ex MIS premier friends
Nice to read all about the wher's who of MIS, Keep well.
Thanks Derric & Rose for this oppertunity to catch up on ex co employees, those were the good old days !
Love to all

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MessageHi RoseMarie,

I found your site while searching for information on the sinking of the Oceanos. I live in Michigan, USA. I first read about it in Reader's Digest years ago. I'm so glad everyone lived.

Did you ever find someone with a copy of the Survive This! movie? I'm also hoping to find it.

As it's coming up on the 17th anniversary you'll be in my thoughts.

Take care!

Renee S.

NameDave Green
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MessageHi there. Just thought I would let you know I was the radio operator on watch at Port Elizabeth Radio (ZSQ) and was the one who received the SOS message from Oceanos. I had to query the position given as it put the ship around Graaf Reinet. The ship operator eventually said they were about 6 miles from Coffee Bay so I corrected their position and rebroadcast the message in both Morse Code and R/T channels. I Also passed it onto Port Control East London and Port Elizabeth and the SA Navy in Simonstown. That got the show on the road, resulting in all aboard being saved. The reason she used Morse and not satellite comms was because she was listing so much they could not get their satellite antenna to train onto the satellite system.
Dave smilie

NameMichael O'Mahoney
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MessageHi Rose
Just had another look at your site - excellent as always. I got the email from the journalist doing the article about the children on the Oceanos, and I have forwarded it to my children (who are now 21 and 18 years old) who were 3 months old, and 3 years old at the time it sank. They both live with my ex-wife in Pretoria and I am sure they will respond.
Take care
Michael O'Mahoney

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