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Private Message added 2007-03-18 1:50

Namegil medina
Date2007-03-12 22:24
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagegreat tips i was not aware of

Date2007-03-10 7:41
Locationclick picture for more information
Home Pagehttp://satyd.moonfruit.co.uk
MessageDear PChuck's,
As a person who is very interested in being a blogger I am finding your pages of hints very useful. At the moment I am trying to get people to visit my site which is in a bit of a mess but hopefully with help, patience and perseverance I will succeed in getting traffic to it. Your blog is extremely good. Keep the good advice coming, please.

Leah javascript:SetSmiley(' smilie 'smilie

NameDavid Hoopingarner
Date2007-03-08 10:01
Locationclick picture for more information
Home Pagehttp://www.roughhewnministries.com
MessageThanks for your help thru the forums. Its a real asset and blessing to find this kind of assistance. smilie

Namesteve dwyer
Date2007-03-08 8:47
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi, Chuck, just browsing around looking for ways to improve my home network. smilie

Date2007-03-07 17:12
Locationclick picture for more information
Home Pagehttp://theroadtothehorizon.blogspot.com
MessageHi Chuck,

thanks for all the good work... I have been an intense new-blogger user for the past 2 months.. The product is good, with still quite a number of 'beautyspot' glitches, but i agree with you that their user orientation is not really what it should be. It is difficult to find out what went wrong, what is being done about it, hey it is even difficult to find out where you can mail them for suggestions.
But overall they get a 8 out of 10 from me, even it was to make a product that novices like me can use, and lower the threshold to have people publish stuff on the web.. [and 'democratize the information highway - but that is just the little Jesus in me smilie ]

Keep up your good work.


Date2007-03-07 13:35
Locationclick picture for more information
Home Pagehttp://morancaintearbheagancuise.blogspot.com/
Messagesmilie Invaluable resource, many thanks.

Private Message added 2007-03-04 23:07

NameEdward Casey
Date2007-03-04 23:02
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI have only read a small portion of the information on your site and am impressed with the depth of information enough to give you the feedback you offer for visitors. I had just wrestled with a network sharing problem involving integrating a new laptop with Windows Vista Home Premium on it into my existing home network. Three days of my own troubleshooting (from the basis of being an experienced electronics technician) and using Microsoft message board support that still did not resolve my problem. I solved my problem by wiping and reinstalling Windows XP Pro SP2 on my computer (the machine I had properly concluded was the root of the problem, but what the actual root cause was unknown).

Now I have the luxury of learning just because I want to. It's beditme for me now, so I've bookmarked your site to be able to visit again to delve more deeply into this topic. I want to thank you for posting your knowledge online for others to learn from. smilie

Date2007-02-27 10:35
Locationclick picture for more information
Home Pagehttp://grumpyandfarting.blogspot.com/
MessageThanks for the info. I've acknowledged your assistance in my blog

Best wishes

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