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NameMichael S
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MessageGreetings from a retired new york chef who still can't taste enough of original USA regional cooking. Nothing in the world beats what we got. and since I found your site, well, I intend to visit often.

My strong interest started out with Country French old fashioned cooking, but as I grew up, I realized we in America have a great food heritage of our own.

I intend to travel and eat my way through more of our wonderful USA, before it's all a wasteland of strip malls, industrial fast food junkyards, 16 year olds in colorful corporate costumes who sell what they are told is food, but ain't.

I hope my visits here will help me learn how to duplicate NOLA in my own humble New York City kitchen. I hope so.

Michael S

NameFr. Francis John Sahuque, OSH
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageSo glad I found this. I live in Springfield, MO, a half/hour north of Branson. I was born at the old Hotel Dieu in New Orleans in 1951 (John G. Sahuque, Jr.), my mom Merilyn Celina Konneker. My dad was a retired New Orleans Police Officer. I moved here about 7 years ago. I am an Old Catholic Priest (affiliation, The United Catholic Church)and am allowed to be married and I am to Claire Louise Migliore of St. Bernard Parish. I grew up in the Irish Channel. I was looking for a recipe for Creole Cream Cheese. I have no idea why. I guess I was realy craving it. I am so pleased about this sight. Now I can Make my own pickle meat for my Red Beans. I am one happy Cajun.
Much Love and Many Blessings,

Namejim decker
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI'm not really into blogs, but yours is great.

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MessageI just got back from New Orleans on Monday. I didn't get to experience Mardi Gras fully due to work. The closest thing I had gotten to Louisiana cuisine was eating a fully cooked crab with my bare hands. It was quite tasty and well-seasoned crab boil at that. (I wish that I had the proper utensils, though.)
I found your food blog through Google because I was looking for a beignet recipe and finding a treasure trove of New Orleans cuisine instead. I have your food blog bookmarked and I WILL be returning to it very often. Thanks for making this food blog. It will be put to good use.

Ian smilie

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Messagehello there

NameSusan in Italy
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYour blog is great! I'm inspired and a little intimidated. I've linked to you on today's post on my blog Porcini Chronicles.

Private Message added 2006-02-09

NameA Creole Cook
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageThanks for the rice recipe, however I come from a long line of excellent Creole cooks and was taught from a child that you "wash" the rice between your hands under cold running water until the water is clear.
We also mae it steamed aas well as baked in the oven.
Perfect rice everytime!

I, too, love New Orleans/Louisiana Cuisine, and have found no better cook/food any place in the world. My Great grandmother was from Breast France and brought many delicious recipes with her to New Orleans.
Love your site!


NameMary Brown
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCould you sendme a list of your cookbooks and where to purchase them. Thank you.


NameVictor Maddie
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGlad I found your site. The recipes are awesome!!!!

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