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MessageThis layout template reminds me of mint chocolate ice cream. I'm assuming it's not supposed to.

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Messageomg ! i love this series smilie does anyone know where i can download or find the main theme song?? if so can you contact me? i'll love you forever ! lol

BAE YONG JUN is hott! smilie

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MessageI don't know how to start! The drama is GREAT! I love to see the scenes in the drama. The winter scene makes me feel that I'm there. I just can't stop watching the drama. To tell you the truth, I watched the drama for 30 hours or more in 2 days! I can't stop watching it. Bae Yong Jun, I salute you for your acting. Although I've watched it long time ago, I still cry if I watch it again smilie Thank you for havin' this site. You can improve this site by creating soundtrack of this website exspecially the song which Jun Shang Played for U Jin. I'm sure everyone will agree with me!

Lots of love
WSFan smilie

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Messagewinter's sonata is one of the best drama i had ever seen bae yong jun is sooo good in acting!i am now so hook onto korean dramas and movies.....had anyone here seen dae jang guem or windstruck(movie)?....they r also very goodsmilie

Nameng hui ming liz
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Messagei luv ur guild sooooooo much it is so coolsmiliei am a huge fan of winter's sonata and i really hope to join the fan club plz plz plz do let me join.....smilie smilie

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Messagehi i'll not say i love winter sonata soooooooooooooooo much but i just will say that ]ust their is no one likes them like me that's the only thing i can say and i'll never love them for ever.

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MessageI heard so much from my friends abt the movie (did not watch it while it was shown on TV here in Singapore). Recently my friend lend me the VCD and I was totally mesmerize with story line and even cried. Thumbs up for actor Bae Yong Joon who acted so well smilie.

I believe I will never get tired of watching the show several times.

Namemoe san
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MessageI'm very greateful to be one of the guest of winter sonata's guestbook and one of the whole life fan of Bae Yong Joon.

Thank you

Private Message added 2005-10-09

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MessageHello to all the fans of Endless Love II Winter Sonata!!

Just like you, I am one of the millions of people who had fallen in love with that Korean series.
I can't believe that all the hidden feelings I have had been poured out while watching it. It really gives me a heartache thinking that a beautiful love like that had been bitten by such tragedies. But it made me still happy knowing that they're still together till the end despite of anything.

Hoping to have rhat kind of love....

God bless us all!

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