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Private Message added 2006-07-29

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Messagehi every body
i am not gonna to say i love this movie but i can say i adore it.really
it is the only thing that give me ahope in this life especially the song..
so plz any one know from where i can download this songs or the movie plz plz contact me
[email protected]
mill merci

Private Message added 2006-07-13

NameTam Nguyen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageTo Salma: You can go to youtube.com to watch Winter Sonata. (with english subtitles of course)
Just go to the top of the page to SEARCH for Winter Sonata. There are tons of Winter Sonata extras too, like bloopers, music videos, and sooo much more! WOW, sounds like I'm advertising. smilie Ask if ther are questions!

NameTam Nguyen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi!! Me again! smilie I just wanted to add some things to what I said before, and I also have a question if any one can answer it. First of all, I was confused why Jun Sang had to wear glasses at the end even if he was blind? smilie Suspicious...........anyways, it was a GREAT movie. My first K-drama. I wish I had it. BYJ and CJW go together sooo good!

Locationclick picture for more information
Messagei love this show soooooo much and i want to knpw how i get this show , any one who get it please tell me how

NameTam Nguyen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWinter Sonata was such a GOOD drama!! THE BEST! Anyone who hasn't seen it, is totally missing out! I love BYJ in this movie, so sensitive, and sweet! My favorite scenes were the romantic ones, and some dramatic ones. I cried sooo much! smilie <SNIFFLE,SNIFFLE> I would also like to give a shoutout to some people who watch K-dramas like me! Huong, Gao-Jhia, and Kelly!!

Namehawar shawkat
Locationclick picture for more information
Messagehallo may naems hawar im 23 year old im pupil of university of sulaemany kolleg of law

NameAn Lee
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageBy chance, I saw Winter Sonata when it was shown by AZN. It was my first Korean drama. I enjoyed the show tremendously and I would like to give kudos to the actors, writers, and composers. Great work!

NameMiSs KiSs
Locationclick picture for more information
all of u
"the fans 4 baeyongjoon&my love bae yong joon"

no one can know how much i love bae yong joon
i had collected most of baeyongjoon's picture&interviews and i have the t.v series on my computer(winter sonata)
i saw his own house its sosososo smilie beautiful
iam 16 y.old
iam a smilie female
iam in 2 secandery
iwant smilie bae yong joon come 2 egypt i love him sosososososo much if he saw my comment please reply
i want his phone no,
if any one of u have it but the true phone no,
please call me
smilie please 2 to do so
coz. i wont be okay without having his phone no,
from ur best&lovely&friendly friend
miss kiss smilie smilie smilie

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