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Nameola morsy
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Messagei love winter sonata very very much
if you please till me if it is found at any tv

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Messagei love winter sonata alot...
ii gt collect of winter sonata thing...my hope is go to korea buy winter sonata thing..
winter sonata is the best...

NameAntje Mueller
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MessageJust love it.... smilie

Namenurul shahidah
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Messagehuhhuhuh....im very epy 2watch this movie even i sam that many2 times...its awsome!!!

Private Message added 2007-02-04

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Messagei'd really love to watch WS,COZ all the story makes me touching.Sacrifice of love.There's nothing love like that.Eternal love.

Private Message added 2006-12-03

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Messagewhat made me facinated by winter sonata movie that all actors in the film were realy marvelous they were so honest in acting, besides the exact subject of the film was excellent.I adore this movieeeeeeee.nick name: viva

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MessageI love winter sonata. It's the best love show
in the world. smilie Yuuijen name is just like my
middle name. It sounds the same but spelled different. My middle name is spelled like this Eugenia. Itn't that cool?!!!! smilie

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MessageMy favorite korean tv drama is WINTER SONATA... you cant help but falling in love with Joon Sang and Yu Jin... hope to VISIT YOU IN KOREA one of these days and see you in person, BYJ and Choi Ji Won

lily smilie

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