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Messagesmilie Winter Sonata SYABAS!!!...I absulotely agreed with Kolina's comments on this drama. It was so touching and you can feel you are in the drama sometimes, you know...

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MessageIm half way through the series and i must say that its rather predictable. It is obvious that the two main characters will eventually end up together..unless i am wrong and that something is amiss when Bae Yong Jung was killed in an accident at the beginning of the series itself. I shall see what else is in stored for me in the next 7 episodes that is left for me to watch..

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Messagewinter sonata is enjoy love story and i want know the personal site to yojen and jon sang

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Messagesorry,but i forgot to say something , if any body knows where can i find the music themes to download..might u tell me about it please ? smilie

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Messageit was an amazing love story , it was so romantic ,i never watched a good drama like this before,....well maybe i don't have all the music of the winter sonata like EMAN ( the previous one in the guestbook ) ....but i don't think that she is the only one who likes it most..i really lived this story,with all its tears,with all its events,..i still remember every single eposide of winter sonata althought it was shown in egypt in 2004/2005 .

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MessageWinter sonata is not just a story, no it became my life.whenever I go or whatever I do I think about it .I even have the songs and the music in it.I think no one love it more than me. smilie

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Messagethis is the best movie...i fall in love with it...it make me crazy

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MessageThe new layout reminds me of potatoes. I don't know why.... Kycoo's comment made me start thinking of foods, so now I'm convinced that your layout resembles a potato. *shrug* Potato.

Namekawa ahmad
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Messagesmilie i like to send a message from bloody to the jun sang and jun ujin when i saw your drama that translated to my language (kurdish ) i forget my bloody inviroment for a second thank you for your beutiful drama

Namearabella grace garcia
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Messagei dont really know what to say...but frankly speaking,everybody in the drama played their roll very well......especially bae yong jun...its a true love story...no matter how many times i watch the story i wont get board smilie ...its an epic... smilie ...i think everyone would understand...so gud luck 2 everyone in the filming line...hope u'll be making more film like this one... smilie ...much love n respect from me..... smilie

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