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MessageDear Sirs,
on the first i want to thanks all the actors on the series winter sonata
it is very effective and very beautiful story and very successfule actores , i watch this series on Egyptian TV from 1 year ago . from this time i tried to get this series but with out beneift because it is very expenssive if i buy it by internet So, please if you can to send it free to me by email i will thank you very much
thanks & Best Regards

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MessageWhy don't you actually USE html for you site instead of using one of those pre-made layouts they give you?!
It might look a little more original... and better. If you make it right.

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happy to write to exprss about my feeling to this story and how it so great.its great sit to this story. i think there aren't words to exprss about my feeling so thank you.

[email protected]

Private Message added 2005-04-09

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Messagein case you guys are wondering what 3 means, I was trying to say love but a character doesn't show up in the guestbook, it's one of the less than signs. that's why it doesn't look like a heart. Sorry if I'm confusing any of you right now, but just a clarification.

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MessageHey everyone,

Thank you so much for your comments! Don't stop signing the guestbook and visiting Winter Sonata, because more's about to happen! I'm thinking of starting some sort of Winter Sonata Fan Club, what do you guys think? Just drop me your name, age, and country, and a couple comments about Winter Sonata. Oh, and maybe a picture of you or Bae Yong Joon. I'm also thinking of starting a couple of contests, though I honestly don't know what the prize might be (I'm not that rich you know, I'm only a teenager!). Send your ideas and comments to [email protected]. I 3 you all!!!

-Webmistress Winter Sonata

I'll work on this site more during the summer, cuz the last months of school are going to be very stressful. Hope u all understand.

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MessageAllo all sonatas,

Theres no TV Drama has touch me as Ujinn and Jun Xiang whom messes up my believe of love.For weeks I just cried and cried every time I watch the CDs.I salute them for flying me to Seoul to feel the winter season though we dont experience snow down here.

I treasure the Director effort for making such a beatiful movie, as he feels two people in love are blind to the reality life as long we can live together in our own fairyland without words just being together thats enough.....

I wish to meet both actors whom I believe has given the most of their feelings to make this movie happened.Adios luv u Jiang Jun Xiang.....

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MessageThe site is beautifully done. Hope to see more and more in the future.

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Messagehi wintre sonata i love serial much and my sister. i wish see cast in egypt
thank you

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MessageVery well done, excellent site, i spent hours reading through.

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