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Namejames brooks
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi, I have a few photographs to send you Liverpool Picturebook but my outlook won't work for some reason and is there any other emails i can send you these as i took these back in 2011 of old schools in kirkby liverppol.

Namealbert martin
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageBorn Anthony St Kikdale,reared in Rupert Hill. Ex carter N/S Royal Signals, Ships Fireman,L,pool City Police. What a site!!,peruse it every day,Thanks

NameKathie Butterworth-Ropele
Locationclick picture for more information
A friend recommended your site. I am just looking through. I used to live in Guelph street, Kensington Liverpool 7, then Hinton Street, Fairfield, then Merton Drive, Roby.
I have lived in Canada and the USA since 1977.

NameL Johansen
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI love reading these pages

Nameangie mccartney
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MessageI live in Southern California, running McCartney Multimedia and Mrs Angie McCartney's teas. I look forward to going through some of these old photos. I already have books by Kevin Roach and some published by Trinity, (Liverpool Echo), and of course, lots of Beatles related books. I published one of my one when I was 82 called My Long and Winding Road. We expats like to keep in touch, no matter where in the world we are.

NameDorothy Kahn
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MessageWhen I saw the picture of Cropper I had a memory of waiting there in a queue to get into Lewis' Christmas Grotto back in the late 40s or early 50s. Could this possibly be a true memory?

NameRonald Guest
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MessageI started my education at Parkhill Road school in 1929 and left in1938.
The headmaster was Mr Grice a fine gentleman and a great help to some very poor children.
After war service in the RAF I left for New Zealand in 1947 and have had a very good happy life here.

Will be 91 next month and would love hear from anyone that might remember me.
Ron Guest"

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MessageGreat site, best I have seen.

NameRandall Hagadorn
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageLovely collection of images.
Thank You!

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MessageThank you! You really did a great job! I will support you all the time.

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