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MessageSave all Chinese people? Who are you? Who gives the right to speak for all Chinese people?

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MessageThe Olympics franchise is not there to serve attention-seeking, small political groups; it is there for the different nations of the world to compete in a fair and friendly manner- promoting good relations between countries, if you like.

It is fascinating how western medias have managed to present the protests in different lights, with various measures of bias. Either way, personally, I must diagree with those who associate the Sichuan earthquake or 9-11 with karma; nothing accounts for deaths of innocent people.

Calling the Chinese government Nazis or implying that Chinese citizens are "stupid" does not help the causes the protesters are supporting.

This blog does not feature any reliable resources supporting it's claims, and the blogger does not seem to have full understanding of what it is they're trying to relate to the reader.

Best wishes from the UK

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Yes boycott CCP-NAZI Propaganda Show! Power to all Tibetan people resisting the CCP's RUTHLESS GESTAPO!

THE CHONGQING EARTHQUAKE WAS "KARMA" IT IS AS OBVIOUS AS 9-11 attacks in US were "KARMA" for U.S. policies in Middle East region!

It's too bad so MANY Chinese citizens fear to THINK for themselves and instead indulge in self-delusion to feel like "one" with their stupid gov't.(which is gradually destroying China in the name of "developing" it.) smilie

MessageYou are a total idiot. You don't know anything about china, you are just another sheep that's been brainwashed by the Western media.

NameGo China
MessageYou're a cocksucker. Go die.

Love, Australia.

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Messageher are some facts -

-The chinese government and it's people (majority) are extremely racist! Saying that they are not , is just a waste of everyones time. A quite simply read up on their history

- they are communist/socialist , technically fake commies. And the thing that is worse is that the people support this sort of crap. If they wouldn't support it , it wouldn't work. Hence why do you think the USSR broke appart!

- A lot of western nations are dependant on china to produce products. But guess what smilie , soon the industry will move else were and it will collapse to were it came from. YES IT WILL =] ,As it become indurstialized costs go up.. and well the americans will just go to india . Things are cheaper there already and india is a nation build on pride and efficiency.

- CHINA!!! doesn't give a crap about the enviroment let alone the health of it's citizens.
It's a smog heaven---> Photochemical smog deteriates lung function , notably ozone a component of this chemical wonderland is potentionally fatal !

all in all what china stands for and does is disgusting. But im still watching the games =], just means that if the chinese march to my front door... ill woop their ass Zimbabwian style

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Messageher are some facts -

-The chinese government and it's people (majority) are extremely racist! Saying that they are not , is just a waste of everyones time. A quite simply read up on their history

- they are communist/socialist , technically fake commies. And the thing that is worse is that the people support this sort of crap. If they wouldn't support it , it wouldn't work. Hence why do you think the USSR broke appart!

- A lot of western nations are dependant on china to produce products. But guess what smilie , soon the industry will move else were and it will collapse to were it came from. YES IT WILL =] ,As it become indurstialized costs go up.. and well the americans will just go to india . Things are cheaper there already and india is a nation build on pride and efficiency.

- CHINA!!! doesn't give a crap about the enviroment let alone the health of it's citizens.
It's a smog heaven---> Photochemical smog deteriates lung function , notably ozone a component of this chemical wonderland is potentionally fatal !

all in all what china stands for and does is disgusting. But im still watching the games =], just means that if the chinese march to my front door... ill woop their ass Zimbabwian style

Private Message added 08-07-2008

NameValter Da Costa
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MessageMy heart and seoul will be with the Tibetian People during the olypics. May justice one day be done, May kharma pay off the suffering of the Tbetiaans and all others Chineese people harassed by their own goverment. And above all, shame on our prime minister Kevin Rudd to be sharing the blood of the Tibetian people along side with Chineese officials. May all this bad kharma comes back to him soon.

Namean american
Message1. the games should not serve protesters who want more attention. in a world with so many conflicts between nations, the games serve as a rare opportunity for all nations to come together and compete.
2. i have been to china for long periods of time to gain different perspectives. and you know what? china gets way more bad rap than it should. the media most reports negative news with exaggeration, and protesters only focus on ruining the country's image.
3. i'm not saying china has no issues, because it does. but these aren't worse than what most other nations have done. didn't we destroy the native americans? didn't we annex hawaii? DIDN'T WE HAVE OUR OWN HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES??? african americans don't go around protesting at the u.s.'s past, and things have improved. and things are improving in china, and they're seriously not as bad as the media makes it out to be.
4. instead of going along with the overall view of china as an "evil country," actually travel around and get both historical/current views before you make this extensive blog.
no offense, but your views are really shallow.
5. "chaiman mao" is the evil man, right? he killed many people. well so did bush. so did the leaders of many other nations--violence is just a part of this world, and china doesn't deserve to get all the blame. besides, mao was better than the british forcing china to buy opium. look stuff up first, and not just from "china is evil" websites.

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