NameKevin Kirby
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason, Happy God Fathers Day! I hope you are doing great! I have a present for you my mom will send it. I love your pictures and your stories! We cannot wait to see you again. We got an electric fence and me and my brothers go through it (my Mom gets mad at us when we do) but it doesn't hurt me! It hurts Glenn, Chris and Matt! STAY SAFE JASON! We miss you and Love you!
God Bless You and Happy Fathers Day!

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Jason, Hope this note finds you well. We enjoy reading your blog.Danny told his class all about you he even wrote a story on his hero Jason.The class wrote you letters I will send them on to you.Danny wants to tell you he is playing baseball.Joe has friends that run the local VFW if there is anything you need they willget it for you !! Our prayers are with you . Take Care,Heather,Joe,Sammi,Danny

NameJohn Wilwol
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageNice pics J. The update was pretty much the highlight of my day here in the wonderfully exhilerating world of federal service. Your room looks pretty plush. I especially like the can of industrial strength "Raid" on your desk.

NameChris and Shana
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason,

We miss you very much and you are in our thoughts everyday. Thank you for sharing your feelings and personal experiences through your blog, we couldn't be more impressed with the job that you are doing. Please take care and we can't wait to see you!!!

Chris and Shana

Private Message added 06-11-2007

NameJohn Wilwol
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey J,

I thought I'd drop you a line. Do you have to deal with humidity on top of heat in Iraq? In DC, I'm convinced there are only two seasons: Hotashell and F---ingfreezing. At any rate, I hope you're safe and sound. Do you have access to books over there? You'd think Uncle Sam would provide you guys with some sort of decent library; but then again, you'd also think they'd leave a guy alone after completing a tour in Absurdistan. So let's assume you don't. If you want some books, shoot me an email and I'll send them along.


NameWendy Greer
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason,
I hope this finds you well. Reading your blog gives me such a different perspective than what you hear on the news, etc. The personal details of the people and country are very meaningful.
Thank you for sharing.

NameAunt Tami
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason! Was just thinking about you! Hope things are well. We are all doing well, looking forward to school being over. Mumsey got a letter from a big wig army guy some chief of staff. It said you decided to stay. She is saving it so you can read it when you get home. I imagine she will have quite the scrapbook from her new army friends by the time you get home! Hang in there Jas! We love you and Miss you very much. We are keeping you in our prayers and we are very PROUD of you!
Love ya~ Tami, Glenn, Glenn, Matt, Chris and Kevin

NameLinda and Joe Donato
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHallo Jason;

The more you write, the more interesting it is to hear the facts from your prospective, I believe your blog gives an honest balanced view of the reality of things going on in Irak.
Linda and I thank you for all you are doing and what you and Rachel give to our country and its freedom.
We are proud to know both of you and we are proud of the soldiers you lead and work with.
Our prayers are with you and Rachel.


NameAunt Kim
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageYo! Why aren't you home yet? Knock it off and just leave that dirty place. We miss you. Come home. Seriously, what would happen? If you don't come home soon, I'll have to ask mumsey to write another letter to the president about you being "deported"! Love you lots! Just promise me you'll stay away from guns and bombs. I'm trying to find mumsey a TV that doesn't get news channels! Let me know if you want anything... more silly string, string cheese, pepperoni, jolly ranchers....just name it! xoxo Aunt Kim

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