NameTami and Glenn
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHI Jason! We hope you are doing well. Your blog is GREAT!!!! I love the pictures! I wish i could of been there to see how red your face got when you got close to those Harley Chicks! We are praying for you! Please be careful and Stay safe! The count down is on until you get home again! We love you!!!! Watch out for the SPIDERS! hahahaha Love Ya~
Tami, Glenn, Glenn, Matt, Chris and Kevin

the boys loved the youtube shots!

Namecailey dececco
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Messagewell..its been since january and you've had this..and its what the begining of may and i finally tread it (takes me a while)! just thought i would say hang in there! Dont worry...chester was just hear having popcorn night w/ us and rach is doing fine!! love you so much and be safe!


NameMegan G
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Jas,

You'd think with all the gossiping family members we have, I would have found out about this blog a little sooner! Just came across it and read the whole thing. Thanks for keeping us all updated, we think about you everyday. Hang in there and be safe! We're all so proud of you!!!Love,


NameJoe and Linda Donato
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello Jason;

I get a kick reading your blog,you make everything so interesting. It warms my heart when I hear how nice people respond to you and the others in uniform.
Linda and I will continue reading your blog and praying for you and all that are serving, If there is anything we can do for you, please let this old vet know.


NameMeghan Biko
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Jason -
It was so good to from you - I've been wondering how you were doing.
School is pretty much the same as always... still no light at the end of the tunnel. I'm taking Acctg. this semester (which you probably would have been in with me) & I hate it. It's too bad you aren't there to keep me company (or to make me laugh occassionally!).
I think of you & your wife often & my heart goes out to you both for what you are going through. Hang in there & be safe.

NameErin Convery
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MessageHey Jas-
I am sorry I missed you on Easter weekend, it passed by like lightning! I just wanted to let you know that I am always thinking of you and all the men/women you are re-training with. Rachael is doing amazing, I am still taken aback by her strength! Don't worry too much, Ali and I are on the mission! Maybe we should make up patches too!! Take care of yourself out there in the kitty litter! And for g.o.d. sakes don't get any REAL body parts blown off!
Love you lots,


NameBJ Lucey
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MessageJase, I have been keeping up with your entries. Who knew you could write? I didn't know engineers could string together a coherent sentencesmilie Ali has been keeping me updated on what has been going on with you and the rest of the clan. I am sorry that I missed you Easter weekend, as usual we played Easter Sunday and i didn't get to come home! I am sure that the twins bday was a blast. Thank god they are 21! I know you leave soon...will be thinking about you...promise I will write again soon!

Miss and love you,
BJ smilie

NameSteven Shaeffer
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Messageyo jay, great to here from you. last time i saw you the eagles kicked the giants ass in the playoff game. you were pretty tanked. but then again you should have been. classes are ok, same old same old. the draft is in two weeks and we are all trying to speculate who the birds will draft. me and my buddy thad are picking a safety will be the first round pick for us. who knows. i will check back from time to time to see how you are doing. and you need eagles dirt just drop me a line to my temple email.



NameMarina Hacking
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We will help look after your wonderful Rachael while you are away. You make sure you take care of yourself and come back safely. Thank you for serving and keeping us safe.
Love and prayers,

NameSally Ziegenfuss
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MessageHi Jason! Your favorite father-in-law was kind enough to pass on your blog to me. What a wonderful writer you are! As a 10th Mtn. Descendant, I find your blog so interesting.I want you to know that you are in my daily prayers for your safe return. I hope the days fly by so that you will be home once again with your lovely wife and family. We are all so proud of you and our troops,we just hope this is all over soon. Please take care of yourself and thank you for your service. I will continue to check in on you through your blog. Keep smiling! Mrs. Zig

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