NameAunt Tami
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MessageHi Jason, how are you? We are all doing well! I think Uncle Glenn is back to his old self! Cannot wait for you to get home and give Kevin some of that military discipline! He needs it! It is kinda scary when he says your Mom is his favorite Aunt! We miss you alot and are praying for you always! Hang in there Jason! We love you! I hope you are getting in shape you did say you would run a marathon with me when you get back! Love ya and Miss ya! Stay safe Jason!
Aunt Tami

NameNathan Lautar
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MessageWhats up Jason, just thought I would write and say hello and let you know that I am thinking about you. I know things are tough right now but you will get through it. My brother has been deployed twice now also and has been to where you are... hang in there only nine months left. If there is anything I can do for you let me know, if you need anything don't hesitate to ask, I will send you a care package with whatever you favorite stuff is. I also wanted to let you know how much I admire what you are doing, I couldn't do it. Anyway I will write more now that I found this blog from your sister. Take care and keep your head up.

Namecailey marie dececco
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Messagehey jas!! just wanted to say hi and i love you...hang in there!! i miss you soo much and am so proud of you!! lola chester and joey all had a sleep over two weeks ago! so dont worry he is doing good...i just wrote you a letter a week ago, and will be sending it sooon! so keep an eye out for it =) LOVE YOU SSOOOOO MUCH! XOXOXOXOXOXO


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MessageHi Jason,
Just wanted to say hi and let you know that we are thinking about you. We received our shirts from Rachael and will wear them on Fridays! Maybe start a west coast thing.
We miss you!
love Aunt Cathy and Uncle Jeff

Private Message added 07-11-2007

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MessageJason, The fact that I would never go to the fourth of July parade and then found myself IN IT! walking behind a float with your lifesize body on it - well enough said. Next year when you go to it I can go back to making fun of those attending. Nothing is going on here except work and oh yes our new hobby - looking for passports. Love and miss you. Susan,

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MessageThis fourth of july was quite tame in comparison to years past...the lower field incident (Ali was pissed!!!), quarters with mema and mumsey, and your mom in the pool. Next year we can make up for it!! The float gave me goosebumps. I am sending out the video tomorrow so you can see how proud we all are of you. Love you and miss you more : )

NameMeg Perry
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MessageHi Jason,

I work with Ali and I feel like I know you and the rest of your family so well (even Joey). I have really only met a few of your family members briefly. Ali says the greatest things about all of you. I cannot tell you how happy I am to have her here at Lilly with me. Before Ali came on board, it was just our boss, Susan and myself in the whole HR department! It was busy to say the least. Ali tells the best stories and is great for a laugh. I swear we she is my double from another life (we both have/had a Honda CR-V, both put our arms through glass windows... granted I was 10 and she was 27... just crazy similarities). She is great and we get on so well. I have enjoyed reading some of your posts and have to commend you on your positive attitude and hard work considering the sudden call to duty. Take care of yourself.

-Ali's partner in crime here at Lilly Pulitzer!
Meg Perry

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Message.....forgot to tell you too that your post about the playroom closet really brought back some bad we really hated cleaning that thing!!! I am so glad we never have to do it again smilie

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MessageHi!!!! Just thought I would drop a quick line to say hello and Happy 4th of July. The parade was good yesterday (not as fun without you though!). I just wanted to make it known that although I whole heartedly supported the float they did, i really protested on putting the card board cut-out of you on it. I figured you probably wouldn't want all of Marple to see it but I lost the fight.....sorry!!! I must say though it was really amazing to see all of our little cousins so excited to ride on the truck with "you" in their army gear and red tshirts --they were just so proud. Donna did cry the whole way though bc all of the old men kept saluting "you". Anyway it made me really miss you even more so stay safe. I love you.


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