Tasha's Guest Book

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NameLindsy Sabo
MessageHi Tasha,
I have been keeping myself updated by yours and Ryan's blog. I see that things are not going well. I'm so sorry to hear. I just wanted you know that, though I am thinking of Ryan and what he is going through, I am thinking of you also. I just can not imagine what you are feeling. I wish only the best for you and Talyn in your future. Lots of Love.
Lindsy Sabo

NameLouise and David
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe love the bright colours of hope on your blog site, Tasha. Nice choice! With the blue sky, green grass and dandilion seeds being carried away by the wind, we would not be surprised to see a lady bug crawl across the page. We hope your "totem" continues to fill you with conviction and courage.
With much caring,
Louise and David

NameDiane Wells
MessageJust have read big hugs to YOU, Talyn and Ryan smilie

NameDiane Wells

Just wanted to send big hugs to, Talyn and


Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Tasha, my heart is with you and your boys ( big and little) smilie Ladybugs are very special! they are a symbol of good luck, strength, honour and rebirth in many different ways.
I always have your family in my thoughts and heart.

Kate Roberts

NameJulene Turtle
MessageJust wanted to send you a hug. You are a strong amazing women. All my thoughts are with you, Talyn and Ryan. Much love. Julene smilie

Private Message added 2010-03-23

NameLouise and David
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGood Morning, Tasha,
You are so constantly in our thoughts as each new day begins. We just wanted to tell you so. All we can do is send a bit of love your way.
Louise and David

NameDiane Wells
MessageHi Tasha,

Just wanted to send you a HUGE hug and tell you what an amazing, stong woman you are.
As I read through my tears I am amazed at your courage and strength!!!
Please know that I think of your family every single day and send good thoughts your way.
I hope you are enjoying this time with Ryan as these memories will guide you through the difficult dayssmilie)

LOTS of hugs to all 3 of yousmilie))) smilie

NameSylvia Day
MessageMy thoughts have been with you as I follow you and Ryan on this journey.

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