Tasha's Guest Book

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MessageI have been absorbing the latest news all day. I'm so sad that things have taken this turn. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Love, auntie m

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MessageI wish I could give you a hug.

NameHenry Less
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MessageHi Tasha and Ryan,
My heart goes out to you. I'm very sad to hear about the turn of events for Ryan and am praying for you both. I could give you a hug.

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MessageI have been following your blogs since the article last year. My heart aches for you and your family is in my prayers. Peace be with you.

NameSandra Elliott
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MessageHey Tasha, just heard the news and please know that Ryan, you and Talon have been in my thoughts constantly. Please, if you need any help at all - don't hesitate to ask, I've got 2 energetic boys who love to play if you ever need a sitter!!

Love you all!!
Sandra, Darwin, Austin and Dylan.

NameLouise and David
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MessageDear Tasha,
Your latest posting contains news about Ryan that we had hoped would never come. Our prayers for him will continue and the energy of our hope will remain strong for both of you. May whatever strengths you need for yourselves in the coming days and hours be given to you with abundant peace and consolation.
Louise and David

NameEllen Groskorth
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MessageThinking of you and Ryan and Talyn. I am so sad that the latest news is so dreadful. I wish you both strength and courage for what's ahead.

NameBonnie Antonini
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MessageHi Tasha,Ryan and Talyn

I just wanted to let you know that you are in our thoughts and prayers.

Bonnie Antonini

NameTanya Baker
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MessageTasha, I am heartbroken for you, Ryan and Talyn. Through it all, you remain an inspiration and I know that I can safely speak for all of us at Rethink when I say that our thoughts are with you and we are here to help in any way.

Private Message added 2010-01-07

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