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Namepete corbino
Messagecapt, always enjoyed the site...hope you do make another one from 2, I know there are plenty of guys who would like to see that happen.

Nametom w.
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageCongratulations on your promotion. I've enjoyed the website especially the "old school" photos.

Namechuck k
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageRandy, Great job on the website. I for one will miss all the pictures and articles. Thanks for everything you have done.

Chuck K.

Namemilde and jim waterfall
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe are sorry the website is going away and look forward to your more comprehensive website. This website has been informative and enjoyable for us.

Private Message added 2007-11-08

NameCapt P ---retired
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Web Master would it be possible for a current roster of all assignments from the chief down so we can keep up with all the changes?

Private Message added 2007-07-26

Private Message added 2007-07-07

Namechatter box
MessageDuring a late night raid for remote control batteries, Jaws Jr. was found. He was hiding out in the office closet behind the pens. And also station 3 is out of AA batteries.

Locationclick picture for more information
MessageJust wanted to thank you and the rest of the ACFD the quick work on the fire on June 12th at Washington Blvd & Arlington Blvd. If not for you, there could have been much more damage. Thanks!

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