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NameWhitey Hallock--- Scranton Pa.
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi Nicholas. Hope your haveing a nice day. Don't drive your firemate's too crazy or they will run out on you.Hope to see you soon--After the snow goes away naturally. If you need snow for Christmas maybe i can truck some down to you. Merry Christmas and Happy BNew Year from everyone here. smilie

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MessageWe love the Official Christmas Tree. Note: Nicholas is spelled wrong.

NameVito & Carol Sabio
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Messagesmilie smilie smilie

To Fire Company Three

We want to wish you and your families a Happy, healthy holiday season

Good Luck to Matt. amd we will keep in touch regarding the care packages.

NameFireman Slabinski
MessageCaptain Hannigan-
73's website looks great; you are obviously a talented webmaster. Nice music on the opening page and thank you for always including a picture of my favorite mechanics on your sites.
Things here in the fish tank are not the same without you, but Paris Hilton called, and she said she still thinks you're hot!!
Firegirl smilie

NameBen Sisson
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageGreat site!! I'll put this under my favorites and check back regularly for updates like I do with a lot of others!!

NameFF/EMT Pete Read
MessageGreetings from the Spotsylvania County Department of Fire, Rescue, and Emergency Services. Thought I would check to see how my boy Fire Trainee Dreher is doing... haven't talked to him in a few months. I wish him well in his call to duty overseas. He will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers.

NameWalter Coon
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey Randy! awesome website for my station smilie keep up the good work pal! smilie

Namechuck kramaric
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good luck on the new site. looks like it is coming along well.


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