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NameMelissa Young
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MessageStation 10, you guys are awesome. Thank you so much for the shirts and letting me take pictures. I hope I get to see you guys again.

NameDan Barb
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MessageWas checking out the History/Historical photos section, some really neat stuff there. Ask Dougie about our dads scrap book. He has some really cool pics in there from ACFD back in the late 60's and the 70's that you might be interested in.

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Messagecool site brothers,lookin' at ya from ashley,pa.
maybe you might know of a member named g.gulick.
if you do, ask him if he remembers riding an engine like the old eng 8 (general fire engine) in the old photos on this site.ashley had an almost identical engine,that's where gulick started out,primative,but i guess i'm still here
and he's in arlington,so i guess the jokes on me.
i would appreciate it if at all possible you could pass this info along to him.

NameAlbert Stutz
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageReally enjoyed going back in time. Some of my happiest years on the department were at the old Cherrydale fire barn. I still have the drawing of the fire station hanging on my wall in my house. Hello to everybody who remembers me and the ones that I do not know I hope to meet someday.
Albert Stutz Retired 1995

NameKaren Szklany Gault
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHello to all at the acfd! I've enjoyed browsing your website. I was also looking for a picture of my cousin. She is training to be an EMT and her name is Amanda Murphy. Best of luck to you, Amanda in all your training. Great to hear you are doing so well!

NameHoward Piansky--aka CaptP-retired
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI am very proud of the ACFD and the salute we provided regarding the sudden passing of Lloyd Coleman. I personally knew Lloyd prior to his employment with the ACFD and he spent many a day at my home in Springfield, Va.

He was a fine man with a eye for life, he will be missed.

Howard Piansky

[email protected]

NameRobert C. Kelly
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWe are a new web site in Arlington,, click on Arlington. We love your pictures and reports.

Would you like to post them on our site as well? Registration is free, posting is free.

Call me, Bob Kelly, at 703-942-6280 Ext. 104 or email me at the above address.

Sorry about using the guest book to reach you but I could not find any information on the web site about contacting you.

We have sites in McLean, Reston and Bethesda as well but there is no one doing what you are doing with pictures.

Bob Kelly

NameDean Jernigan
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHey guys, I like your site. I just surfed overhere from Kentland's links. The old 1 bay fire house is cool, I wish that's all we had. Check out my site at
Stay Safe, FTM-PTB

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MessageTo Old Fireman:

Thanks for the guestbook entry! I put the incorrect information on the website just to see if anyone was paying attention! Great found the mistakes...along with several other folks. Actually, I realized the error after making the website entry and have since corrected it. Archie Hughes, Jr. IS John, Steve and Phillip's UNCLE. Their Father, Les, is the BROTHER of Archie, Jr..

Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Randy Higgins
Webmaster 103

Name old fireman
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageWebmaster I think you hace it wrong about Archie Hughes it was there Uncle not there grandfather. IT looks like the man in the pictures his there grandfather. Thought I would help you out a little. I could be wrong but I would check it out. An old fireman smilie

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