Fire Ireland Guestbook

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NameArthur Parke
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHow surprised I was to see a vehicle pass by in Parakou, north Benin, bearing "Dundalk Fire and Rescue Service". Happily I will be flying into Dublin this month for a break or I would have suffered a dose of homesickness.

NameJohn Macneish
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MessageThank you guys once again for keeping us up to date with regular incident updates. I follow the updates on a regular basis, and am glad for your reports re the major incident near Newry and also Portadown, my home patch. The NIFRS site is hopelessly out of date and never tells us much. If there is some member of the crews who attended the Newry incident who can tell us which stations were mobilised to the shout, I would be pleased to read it. To we, retired firefighters, the term, 'extra resources' is meaningless. Thank you all once again


NameDaniel McNulty
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageI love the website,, some amazing photos. I love to see how other brigades fuction and the vehicles they run. Once again,
Great website, keep up the good work!

NamePeter Wolfram
Locationclick picture for more information
MessageHi.Very nice website.
best regards.
from Copenhagen Fire brigade.
Peter. smilie

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MessageHey guys,

Iv seen the Guinness fire and rescue ambulance around the city a few time but I can't find any info on them,

Will you be doing a page on it any time in the future?

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You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm sorry for your loss, But I'm also entitled to my opinion, this is a family friendly site maybe put up a warning then. My kids are interested in fire appliances and check out this site all the time, so web master maybe consider a warning to the public. I also understand that raod safety is a majour issue but and a lot is been done to tackle same, not everyone wans to see it plastered over the net. I've had to give that 3 in the morning knock on the door and watch a mother break down when I delivered the news, Not a easy job for any police traffic officer. Jusy my oponion.

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MessageJohn i am one of those families you speak of. I lost a neice to a road accident 6 years ago and i encourage photos to be published and ill tell you why. Not a lot has changed in this county in those 6 years. Although road deaths may be slightly down people still continue to needlessly speed and cause accidents which result in road deaths. Photos need to be sent out until people get the message that the roads are a dangerous place and not to be taken for granted. I would also encourage famlies to do what we have an get involved in the road safety campain in any way possible


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MessageLovely site well put together but you don't seem to conisder peoples feelings when you post horrfic R T C pics, and now i see you posted one of a double fatility, please please please conisder the feelings of the family and friends of the people involved before you post pics.

Namepaul o keeffe
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Messageexcellent site keep up the good work i was trying ages to find an excellent fire and rescue site like this smilie

NameScott Howe
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MessageGreat website. Has all the appliances. Very interesting to see.

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