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"Har du en kronisk kumulativ tungmetalforgiftning?"
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"Do you have a chronic metal toxicity?" 
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für die Website 
"Leiden Sie an chronisch kumulativer Schwermetallvergiftung?"
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Indsendt03.02.2011 / 08:02:42
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BeskedI have another opinion of all this... With unproven and pseudoscientific theories people like Daunderer or Mutter scare people neglecting that composite is more toxic than amalgam can ever be. The so-called "amalgam detoxication" is a placebo effect, nothing more. In Germany, all anti-amalgam amendements failed because we have well-reputated scientists like the Profs. Schiele, Reichl, Schmalz, Hallbach, Staehle, Hickl, Krönke, Ott, Zilker, Meiners and many many more that publish scientifically-based studies, not cheap anti-amalgam propaganda like Daunderer or Mutter (this man is an electrician, did you know?). The composite-companies like 3M ESPE or VOCO are the benefactorers of this propaganda. Personally, I don't want any Formaldehyde, Bisphenole A or Phenobenzole (and 77 more toxic substances) from Composite in my mouth. Being satisfied with dental amalgam for 37 years now, I hope German authorities will help to stop anti-amalgam propaganda!

COMMENT FROM HENRIK E. KOCK (Feb 26, 2011): Mike, of course, is entitled to his own opinion in the mercury and heavy metal toxicity issue, even though I don't share a lot of it. I just wish Mike would have stated his complete name and left his e-mail address so I could have told him personally!

Indsendt02.12.2010 / 22:48:48
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I have been directed to you by the detox people, I need advice urgently my daughter-in -law is very severely disabled with all the symptoms of mercury poisoning. She is deteriorating rapidly and we need to know what to do to help her.
She is 29 years old cannot walk or even stand, cannot sit unsupported, cannot feed , dress, wash, toilet, write, she has nystagmus, hearing problems, has lost most of her ability to speak. She was diagnosed as having MS 3 years ago. her decline is evident each time I see her.

Do you know where we can find help for her. (we are in the uk )

Personlig Besked tilføjet 24.09.2010 / 23:10:10

Personlig Besked tilføjet 02.09.2010 / 05:57:29

Personlig Besked tilføjet 02.09.2010 / 05:54:26

Indsendt17.08.2010 / 19:45:57
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Jeg vil blot sige tak for din hjemmeside, som er dejlig enkelt smilie og har sat mig på sporet af en god tandlæge.
Jeg kan se du nævner Birgitta Brunes. Hun har udgivet endnu en bog: Går signalen frem? hvis det har din interesse.
Ved du om man kan få økonomisk hjælp til at få saneret sine tænder?

Tak endnu en gang.
Vh Katrine

Personlig Besked tilføjet 25.06.2010 / 17:00:05

NavnGia Wesley
Indsendt13.06.2010 / 20:24:30
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Beskedsmilie I have begun my journey to remove all amalgam. I have a number of possible issues that could be related to amalgam. I have a wonderful dentist and team that is helping me to get through the treatments.

Personlig Besked tilføjet 12.06.2010 / 09:25:29

NavnTom McGuire, DDS
Indsendt08.06.2010 / 15:24:48
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BeskedDear Henrik,
In all of the years I've been involved in the mercury issue, from many levels, I've never seen a better and more comprehensive resource website. It is fantastic and I highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for the best information about this subject. You are to be commended!!!!

Thanks for your great work,



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