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~Pageant Resale~

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Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?both
MessageA few months ago, I posted a warning about a buyer who will hang you up for weeks and never pay you for your gown. Her name is Jerilyn Perez and she is out attempting to con again. I wish PageantResale would refrain from sending along her emails to sellers because this woman has no money to pay for the gowns she contracts to buys and will waste your time.
This is such a great website for REAL buyers and sellers, it's sad that one bad apple can poison the experience.

NameBeth B
Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?Buyer and seller
How did you hear about us?Forum
MessageI have been checking out this site for a while. I scouted for a few months before I made my first purchase. The dress was allegedly a size 4-6 but when I got it, it said Size 8 quite clearly (and was too big). The next dress was said to be a designer gown but when it arrived (a month and a half later) it was a cheap handstitched dress that didn't fit because it was made to specific measurements - obviously, I didn't realize it was a custom-made dress since it wasn't billed as such. And I have been waiting MORE than two months for two cocktail dresses from another seller...all in all, it's been frustrating!

I love the site and the gowns, and think it's a wonderful resource, but it's so hard to verify authenticity AND good sellers that it hasn't quite worked in my favour yet.

NameBeth B
Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?Buyer and seller
How did you hear about us?Forum
MessageI have been checking out this site for a while. I scouted for a few months before I made my first purchase. The dress was allegedly a size 4-6 but when I got it, it said Size 8 quite clearly (and was too big). The next dress was said to be a designer gown but when it arrived (a month and a half later) it was a cheap handstitched dress that didn't fit because it was made to specific measurements - obviously, I didn't realize it was a custom-made dress since it wasn't billed as such. And I have been waiting MORE than two months for two cocktail dresses from another seller...all in all, it's been frustrating!

I love the site and the gowns, and think it's a wonderful resource, but it's so hard to verify authenticity AND good sellers that it hasn't quite worked in my favour yet.

Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?buyer
How did you hear about us?from a friend
Messagesmilie I love all the dresses, so many to choose from. Having a budget is hard, but knowing you have dresses in my price range is wonderful!!!!! smilie

Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?Buyer
How did you hear about us?Executive Director
MessageI love this site, the only problem I have with it is how some seller's do not understand that a dress purchase is like buying a car, it looses its value as soon as you leave the shop! And yet they still list gowns trying to make a PROFIT instead of making SOME of the money back. I think some sellers too who buy their gowns for dirt cheap at Expo's (At the Miss America EXPO some Tony Bowls gowns were selling for $25 just for being 2008 styles!) expect to make a major profit on their gowns as well. There are some GREAT sellers on here though and I recommend this site to many people!

NameVickie Pergram
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Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?Buyer
How did you hear about us?My daughter
MessageThank you Pageant Resale! Recently I made my first purchase from a seller who used this website. I must say that it was a very good experience, and I was pleased. The seller was very nice and cooperative. We were able to make a quick and successful transaction. I now, have become a seller on Pageant Resale as well. I have used Ebay in the past but, believe that Pageant Resale will be a better market for all my pageant related items. Thanks again! smilie

NameHeather Young
Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?buyer
How did you hear about us?google
MessageWOW! I am so pleased, I left the message only a couple of days ago about requesting the search engine, and now it is here! I appreciate your dedicated service to your customers, clients, and to the website overall. I will be using this site for years to come! Best wishes, and many thanks!!

Locationclick picture for more information
How did you hear about us?from a friend
MessageCame to the site after a friend referred me. Wonderful site.

NameHeather Young
Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?buyer
How did you hear about us?google engine search
MessageIs it possible for a search engine to be added on your site? It is very difficult to find a specific item once new items have been added. A search engine to find things by item number, size, or designer would be very helpful! Great site though, I love it and just purchased a cocktail dress. Sellers are very helpful and friendly. Thank you!

NameMarcia Fielder
Locationclick picture for more information
Buyer or Seller with Pageant Resale?Buyer
How did you hear about us?On pageant web site
MessageI've never bought anything from a resale site before but I can promise you that I will visit this site often. I purchased a interview suit and the seller was just wonderful,got the suit within a week of my check being mailed. The suit was just as describe by the seller and looked practically new.
Thank you again Pageant Resale,

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