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Messagei know ive left messages/comments all over the place for you and by no means would i want to make your guestbook my bitch, but i love you site! it constantly showcases great quality music, its happily eclectic, and solidly rooted in... umm, roots smilie
thanks for the great job and keep it up! smilie
greets from houston,


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MessageVery interesting article, i have bookmarked your blog for future referrence. Best regards

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MessagePlainly fantastic.
Many many thanks for your Magyar kindness.
If people would listen more to the variety of music you have I believe conflicts would be less.
Best regards,

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MessageGratula, csodalatos gyujtemeny, csak veletlen talaltam ra, de nagyon orulok, talan nincs is ehhez foghato. Remelem meg sokaig elvezhetjuk! Hajra, csoook.

Mellesleg az orszaglistabol hianyzik a United Arab Emirates smilie smilie smilie

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Messagejosagos bluesmanus,

koszonettel es halaval tartozom neked, mert bar muzsikat (meg) nem szerzemenyeztem a weboldalodon keresztul, az igenyesseg es szeleslatokoruseg, amivel osszegereblyezted az albumokat oszinten lenyugoz.
ha es amig lehet, remelem fenntartod ezt a fulnek kedves kincsesportalt.
egy boldog fultulajdonos

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MessageI really dig your blog. Always interesting and great music. Keep it going forever. javascript:SetSmiley('%20smilie%20'smilie

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Nagyon tetszik a blogod, sok jó kis muzsika!
(A Ghymes korongjai nekem hiányoznak a sorból.)
Csak így tovább!

NameNovokmet Kresimir
MessageHej....i'm from croatia... i justo wanted to say - fabula rasa ant the album csindratta --> it's just great, i saw them play at the chain bridge in budapest this summer...amayzing!!!

NameCaio Csermak
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MessageHello my friend!

Your blog it's amazing, specially for me, because I love folk and gipsy music, but I now just a few musicians of it. But now, I start to listen a lot of things that I found in yout blog...
I just miss brazilian an latin music... I now something of it, and if you want, I can show you some links, blogs, or even make some uploads, specially of brazilian music, and something of latin music too.

Congratulations for the work.

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MessageOne million thanks. I´ve downloaded Kolinda´s records from your marvellous blog. When i was young i play the pipe in a folk group, as i come from Asturies, in the mountains of the athlantic sea in Spain (my grandparent was also a piper; my pie is his; more than one hundred yars). Twenty years ago it was very dificult to get records from abroad. Kolinda´s were one of these marvellous records. Very very nostalgic. I remember a friend of us, who said: "i wish i were a hungarian child, so my parents would sing me a lullaby as Tetelek" (or Dorombenek, a song from Kolinda record 1514). Greetings for your blog.

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