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Private Message added 2007-08-19

NameKelly Shortley
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MessageSounds like you guys are having an amazing time...I really enjoy reading your updates. What an experience. Take care and give your Mom and Dad hugs from us!

NameJohn Zerangue
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MessageMan, what an awesome experience!! Savor every minute of it. Time with family is precious, and will become tougher to find as you get older. Dont be too hard on your "cheap" Pop. 30 years from now, you will have become the "cheap" Dad! LOL!! Really enjoyed reading the blog, and look forward to more updates!

Lafayette, LA
Tuscaloosa, AL

Name Celeste Brown
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MessageHi Kyle. I hope you are having a good time. School is almost ready to start. I look forward to reading more of your adventures.
Take care.
Celeste Brown smilie

NameLeslie Monaco
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MessageHI Kyle and family - I love reading about Asia. I have been to et, Phi Phi and Surat Thani and Ko Samui - I also love the picture of the long tail boat. THat was our dive boat and it makes me want to get into the water. Did you get to have Thai food? I love the banana pancakes you can buy on the streets. Have you seen any elephants?
Please tell your parents hello from me. We start school on Monday so I will be sure to follow your travels.
Did you go to Chaing Mai?
Have a great time and I will follow your travels - take care, Ms. Monaco

NameElena Pues
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I work with your dad(I miss when he comes in and says hi to everyone in the office). You're a very lucky boy to be able to do this. After growing up in a military family and being in the military myself, I will not even come close to visiting as many countries as you.

I'm jealous. smilie

Keep us posted and take care of your dad for us, we want him to come back.

NamePhil May
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MessageHi Kyle,
Looks like you and your family are having a great time. Just to let you know, I'm one of the guys at the YMCA who has actually beat your dad in racquetball! We are looking to hear your stories when you all get back. Let your dad and mom know that our church is praying for your safe trip.
Pastor Phil S. May

NameWendy Stanley
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MessageKyle, thanks for the updated blogs. I never realized your dad was so cheap smilie I travelled to a remote town in China in 2002 and the description of your transportation is probably tame in comparison to the experience.

Keep up the adventurous spirit and don't be too hard on mom and need to be sure you have $$$ at the end of the trip for one final splurge smilie

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MessageHey Kyle... Loved reading your blog today and really like seeing the pictures. See if you can get your dad to post some pictures of him and your mom too.

NameDave n Sheilah Marks SNI drivers
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MessageWow glad someone pointed out your blog,My wife and I love to read others blogs when we find interesting ones,which yours is....We travel the states continuosly but would love to travel as you are........
smilie Thanks for sharing,Dave n Sheilah

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