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Messagesmilie hey there buddy. im so glad that you are having a blast. your web page is amazing. i love to look at all your pictures, watching you grow up. you are growing so much, like the hair!!! xo love you so much

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MessageHi Kyle, I am a friend of your Grandma's & the Hester's. I love your blog and I am passing it on to the social studies teachers at my Middle School. I am envious of your adventure...Have fun!

NameJulie and Larry Hill
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MessageHey Kyle, Kevin, and Sam,

This is sooooooooooooooooo cool smilie ! Kyle, you are so lucky to have such wodnerful, fun, loving, and giving parents! You are one of the luckiest boys in the world to be able to do this?!I hope you are having a great time and all is well?! I will continue to read your blogs. You are such a mature, intelligent, neat little man Kyle!!

Love you all, Julie and Larry (Charlotte, NC)

NameKellie Leavenworth
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Greetings and salutations from Salem, Oregon!!! We have never met, but believe it or not we are relatives. Your dad and I are second cousins on our dad's side - a little family mapping that perhaps your dad can fill you in on. Anyway, by ways of your Grandma, I have found out about your AMAZING adventure that you are on and I am so excited for you!! I am going to link my son, Conner (who is in 3rd grade) to your blog to show him what an awesome opportunity you are living!

This week has officially felt like fall here - all of the leaves are red and orange as it peeks through the layer of fog we have had each morning. Today was chilly - but it should clear off and hopefully we will get a little sunlight as we prepare to head off to the pumpkin patch.

Please drop a line if you would like - we would love to keep in contact with you as you continue on your journey. In the mean time, give your dad a hug from that annoying cousin Kellie (Ward)! smilie

Love, Peace, and Blessing to you all!



NameKelly Shortley
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MessageHello there! Loved the new pictures- you look so much older! I had Paul and Grace look at the pictures and they asked a lot of questions and Paul said he missed you smilie Grace is sitting here right now drawing you a cute!

We miss you!

Kelly and Family

NameMelissa Maino
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MessageHey Kyle...nice trekking... smilie I've told my neices about you (Maddy 12, Izzy 10). They tend to go to Disneyland and Hawaii for vacations - they love to travel but I don't think they have any idea you can travel Duffy style. HOpe they read your blog - it's fascinating! You can tell your parents I said I think you are the writer in the Duffy family - not that I don't love their emails of course!! Thanks for the stories Kyle - I am riveted!! xxoomelissa smilie

NameKelly Shortley
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MessageJust read your blog from yesterday- what an awesome trip! Can't believe you did all that hiking- so great Kyle! We are very proud of you. Thanks for the update- keep them coming!

Love, Kelly and family

NameGayla and Steve Miller
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MessageSo glad to hear from you after your treking in Nepal. We were getting worried with no word for so long but thank God you are safe and you MADE IT!!! You are fearless!! We send you all our love and prayers. Stay safe and write when you can! Gayla and Steve Miller

NameVicki Duffy
MessageHey Kyle!
Great job on Annapurna!
You are awesome.... smilie
Love, Grandma

NameLiz Barker
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MessageHey Kyle,

Your trip sounds amazing!!!! My brother, John Williams (I think he's a friend of your dad's????), sent the link to your blog to me. My daughter is 10 years old and he knows I love to know about other kids who are 10.

I know you sure write better then she does smilie

Have a safe trip. Hope you don't mind if I read more about your travels!

Liz Barker

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